What are the drugs that cause the most severe withdrawal attacks?

Heroin and other opium derivatives, such as morphine, usually cause the greatest damage when an addict experiences the so-called withdrawal syndrome – a set of symptoms that appears when the person stops or reduces the use of the drug. “This happens because the organism was already used to receiving the drug and reacts to the abrupt withdrawal”, says psychiatrist Cláudio Jerônimo da Silva, from the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp). In the case of heroin, everything indicates that the withdrawal discomfort is more serious because of the composition of the drug, which acts as a sedative in the body. In addition, the substance is very quickly addictive and acts deeply on the central nervous system, causing serious depression after use. “In addition to heroin, five other drugs have withdrawal crises with clear physical symptoms: nicotine, alcohol, crack, benzodiazepine tranquilizers, such as Valium, and barbiturates, used as sleeping pills”, says toxicologist Anthony Wong, from the University of São Paulo. Substances such as cocaine and marijuana also cause seizures. The difference is that their symptoms do not include direct physical reactions, but problems such as anxiety, nervousness and violent behavior, for example.

ominous list Attempts to quit substances can cause pain, depression and even hallucinations


The drug is addictive in just five doses and has the most intense withdrawal crises, probably because of its composition and its effect on the central nervous system. Along with the malaise and restlessness, the person who stops using heroin has increased pressure, muscle pain, insomnia and vomiting.


The withdrawal syndrome has three stages: first comes the “craving”, the desire to use the drug. Afterwards, the person goes through a state of drowsiness. Finally, symptoms of depression appear, such as anxiety and irritability. The person can become dependent from the fourth dose


Also derived from coca paste, the smokable and cheaper version of cocaine causes withdrawal symptoms much like the powdered version. The main difference between the two substances is that crack cocaine is addictive even faster, dragging the addict down the drain in just two or three puffs.

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Dependence comes after constant consumption for a few years, but the withdrawal syndrome has brutal effects. The addict has tremors, increased pressure, becomes agitated and loses clarity to evaluate things. In the most severe cases, hallucinations and delusions may appear.


Withdrawal syndrome is a little milder than that of other drugs, but it can also include severe symptoms – the main ones are anxiety, loss of concentration capacity, insomnia and bad mood. Some doctors believe that marijuana is addictive after two months of constant use


Despite being legalized, nicotine — the base drug of cigarettes — has a high addictive power: dependence can begin if the user smokes dozens of cigarettes in a week. When trying to stop, the person feels anxiety, anguish and restlessness. At work, loss of concentration and attention is common.

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– Why do alcoholic drinks cause a hangover?

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