What are the dangers of microwaves?


First of all, great care must be taken when using the appliance to heat water. Inside it, the liquid boils without boiling – that is, without making bubbles. Result: Touching the container triggers a sudden boil, like an explosion, causing severe burns. Another essential care is to avoid common plastic containers, especially for fatty foods. It causes the plastic, at high temperature, to release gases such as the carcinogenic dioxin. The correct thing is to use tempered glass and porcelain – or special plastics for microwaves. And there’s more: “The oven door is coated with a rubber that absorbs microwaves, preventing them from leaking out. But after about four years of use, this rubber wears out.

That’s why you shouldn’t keep looking closely at how the oven is working – something that children often do – because their eyes contain a lot of water, whose molecules are also agitated and heated by microwaves”, says electronic engineer José Kleber da Cunha Pinto , from the University of São Paulo (USP). Another recommendation is not to stop using the ground wire. “Since the voltage of this appliance is very high (around 2,400 volts) and its housing is metallic, it can give a very strong shock if there is no ground wire installed”, says José. In addition, the oven must have a turntable – if not, as the waves are emitted from a single point to propagate throughout the apparatus, overheating of a part of the container may occur, causing it to break or explode.

explosive hazard
Boiling water in the microwave requires extreme caution.

1 – On the stove, the water molecules that are at the bottom of the pan heat up and rise to the surface, giving way to others that have not yet warmed up. Microwaves, on the other hand, heat all molecules equally and, with that, the air bubbles formed on the walls of the container do not leave the place.

2 – Any touch on the container is enough to release the tiny bubbles of steam from its walls. When they come together, they can cause a sudden and literally explosive boil, causing severe burns.

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