What are the biggest monkeys that ever happened live on Brazilian TV?

Aloôôôôô, voxê!

On the day of the 2006 World Cup final, Fernando Vanucci started the Ball in the net, on Rede TV!, talking slurred and making a bizarre speech about the Italian national team. Within five minutes, he was replaced. Binge drinking? None of that: the next day, he claimed to have taken an overdose of tranquilizers. watch here

And there was more: In 1999, Vanucci was caught eating a sandwich during the Spectacular sporton Globo


The weather weighed on Total Sport on April 29, 2004. Journalist Jorge Kajuru called boxer Marinho a coward for having left an opponent unconscious in a fight the day before. Marinho hit back at the offenses (“Gordinho fuxo!”), went on the attack and had to be restrained by the broadcaster’s team. watch here

baller’s shack

In February 2007, player Marcelinho Carioca and coach Wanderley Luxemburgo started washing dirty clothes in the middle of Inside the Ball, by Band. (In addition to being dirty, it was old clothes, from the Corinthians days, in the 90s). It started with “I don’t want to be your friend” and went downhill to “Safado” and “You’re not worth anything”. #keyed up. watch here

treacherous grapes

Who said grapes are good for health? In 1996, reporter Lasier Martins wrote an article about the Grape Festival in Caxias do Sul for the Lunchtime Journal, from RBS, an affiliate of Globo, when it touched a bare wire near the fruit. He was shocked so hard that he fell and broke three ribs. watch here

And more: The viewers chose this scene as the most remarkable in the history of the Lunchtime Journalon air since 1972. Pure trolling!

hot news

You know when it feels like the news is on fire? It was not force of expression in the Jornal da Record on December 9, 1998. A fire consumed the set behind presenter Boris Casoy, who kept the good mood and called the commercials. When he returned, he still praised the fire brigade. watch here

And there was another: On May 8, 2001, presenter Salette Lemos left the Jornal da Record after feeling sick with the smell of paint from the scenery

became a meme

Monalisa Perrone reported live on President Lula’s hospitalization for the newspaper today on October 31, 2011, when it was violently overthrown by two members of a group that accuses Globo of cooperating with the Illuminati. The anchor Sandra Annemberg did not hesitate and released the now classic phrase “How inelegant!”. watch here

Worse than soup

Even the religious Cid Moreira must have wondered why God created insects when a fly tried to steal the spotlight in a National Newspaper from 1988. watch here

And there was another: Five years earlier, on November 26, 1983, in the same JNpresenter Marcos Hummel had no other option: he swallowed a fly that entered his mouth.

general toothless

During an edition of the news General balance, on Record in Rio de Janeiro, in 2009, presenter Wagner Montes lost the pivot of his tooth. But not the waist game! The implant went flying through the studio, Wagner picked it up from the floor, put it back in his mouth and even took the opportunity to praise his dentist! watch here

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And there was another: In 2006, the then presidential candidate Heloísa Helena also lost her tooth pivot, on the program National Opinion

climate pie

Seu Manoel and Dona Maria were selected by the Nowadays as an example of a couple: they had been together for 54 years. But the harmony collapsed when Britto Jr. jokingly asked if Manoel had already cheated. Grandpa replied in the can: of course! “I was a truck driver…you know how it is, right?” Britto sweated to fix the mistake. watch here

indiscreet message

In 1999, the Workout won a live block commanded by André Marques. He interacted with the public in a chat, whose conversation appeared on the screen. Until some joker decided to fill the chat with the phrase “Roberto Marinho drug dealer”. Marques turned white and quickly changed the subject. This deserved to be news Telling Nobody Believes. What would Wallace Polga say? watch here

Angel or monster?

On March 19, 2003, Pedro Bial announced yet another elimination in the Big Brother Brazil when he was grabbed by a naked blonde, who “sprouted” from a bush on the set. Quickly removed by security, she claimed she just wanted to publicize the pagode group in which she was a dancer. watch here


The Rebellion of the Machines predicted in Terminator started with a self-driving prototype car. Presented in More you on April 22, 2013, the vehicle must have been embarrassed by the cameras and reversed until running over Ana Maria Braga. The blonde cut her mouth and had to rest for two days. watch here

Shut up!

Satellite transmissions can yield a lot of pearls, because sometimes they are done without those involved knowing. At the 1994 World Cup, the audio captured Galvão Bueno complaining to director Ciro José that Pelé, then a commentator, would not stop talking. «Only [vai parar de falar] if I kill him!”, vented the announcer. watch here

Hide and seek

On September 1, 1994, shortly before going live on Jornal da Globo, Finance Minister Rubens Ricupero chatted with reporter Carlos Monforte. Without knowing that the camera was already on, he revealed that he manipulated economic data in favor of the government: “What is good we invoice, what is bad we hide”. Watch it here.Ricupero was dismissed from office the following day.

I? You’re welcome!

On May 3, 1998, the Fantastic featured a report on dancers from the Russian Kirov ballet when, right at the beginning, it was possible to hear the phrase “That’s a deer thing”. Pedro Bial, presenter of the program at the time, still swears that he was not the author of the controversial comment. Watch the video and draw your conclusion.

Winning in the scream

In 1994, presidential candidate Orestes Quércia lost his temper in an interview with Living Wheel, from TV Cultura. Questioned by journalist Rui Xavier about the rapid increase in his assets, the politician countered by calling the reporter a “slanderer and liar” exactly 44 times. Xavier got angry, returned the insults and the program was interrupted. watch here.

my favorite monkey

Comedian Marcelo Tas recalls a controversial outing at the beginning of the CQC

“In the first year of CQC, we made a pact with Band’s management to swear less. One day, when referring to the female genital organ, I used the word “pussy”. It was a controversy: is pussy a bad word or not? At lunch to smoke a peace pipe with the station, Marco Luque went to squeeze a lemon on his plate and ended up splashing the liquid in the eye of Johnny Saad, the owner of Band. It was the crowning achievement of the monkey!”

Sources VEJA, Extra newspaper and websites Memória Globo and MerdTV

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