What are the best interior vines to decorate your home

Unlike most plants in this family, the adensoni monster has small leaves and a thinner stem that works perfectly when placed in hanging pots to give life to any room. Of slower growth and greater care than the most common climbers, it is essential to find them an enlightened site where they do not receive the sun's rays directly. The monster is more demanding in terms of irrigation, which must be little but constant, on average every two days to cultivate it in perfect condition.

A ficus is your option if you want to give a jungle appearance to your home with natural elements.

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Ficus climber

This plant has the capacity to upholster any space C How pots, trunks or any guide in a short time, so it is widely used to cover large spaces. Although it is used regularly outdoors as a novel ornament for its vertical growth, indoors is Perfect to accompany a boho style recharged with natural motives.

He Ficus pumila It is an oriental species that requires good lighting without directly receiving the sun's rays. Their Small leaves quickly multiply and adhere to the immediate environment of the plantso you must guide its growth since I get home. As for irrigation, the general recommendation is to always remain wet but unwrapping, since it is susceptible to accumulating water and causing rotting of its roots.

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