What are sigils and what are they used for?

A sigil (in Latin sigillum) is a symbol that can be graphic or sound, which helps us channel our energy into a magic spell or ritual. All sigils are coded differently, and sigils can only be used by the same person who created them.

I want to teach you how to create a sigil, since it is a fairly simple procedure and at the same time quite powerful. Sigils have a single purpose and that is to connect the energies so that they flow correctly when we cast a spell.

There are many methods to create our own sigil, in this article I want to talk about the most traditional ways but which are also the most effective when it comes to making our own magic sigil. To choose the most effective method, you will have to go to your personal sense, this will tell you which method you should choose so that the link between the stealth and you is the strongest.

The symbols that form the sigil correspond to a purpose that the creator wanted to capture in it, therefore, only the same person who created it can activate the sigil, since only they will know the meaning and know what they want to convey.

There are many ways to cleanse the negative energies that surround us, for example, salt baths to get rid of negative energies, are highly recommended when we notice that everything is going downhill and we need an urgent change of direction.

It is true that many people use candles, incense or other magical items to channel energies, but others use these types of symbols, which are just as, or even more effective if you are a beginner in the magical world.

We can use different runes, or a magical solar chart to create our sigil, but each one is different from the rest and each person will have to choose the form and method that best suits what they are trying to convey.

What are sigils and what are they used for?

There are a large number of different spells and each one with a specific purpose. However, despite the fact that it may seem that a love spell has nothing to do with one to attract money, they may have more things in common than you think.

Of course, in addition to requiring specific components and a methodology to put it into practice, spells have sigils. These sigils are a kind of symbol that has been created for a specific purpose, in this case, the casting of the spell itself.

As if it were a magical writing, these sigils have been used for thousands of years. To be aware of what we are saying, just take a look back at the runes that thousands of years ago our ancestors used for their magical purposes, so these runes could be said to be one of the first sigils of The humanity.

Sigils in magic and esotericism

Sigils do not follow a certain pattern when carrying out their design. In this way, we can find sigils that have symmetrical shapes and others that are totally different, which have abstract shapes.

On the other hand, not all sigils have to be strictly written, but we can also find tactile and auditory sigils. Visual sigils are the most popular because, by their very nature, it is much easier for them to be preserved over time, something that does not happen in the same way with an auditory sigil, since in order to preserve this, it would have to be transmitted generation to generation.

How do magical sigils work?

Stealth is a process that is reversed in the creation of a spell. This means that, first, the spell will be performed to later leave it embodied with a seal, which would be the sigil itself.

To understand it better, it is as if we were writing on paper the message that a person is sending us. In this way, when later we read what we have written on the paper, we will be reproducing the same message that the person has transmitted to us.

This is what is sought with the sigil, so basically, when we are activating a sigil what we are doing is unleashing all the magical power that is in its meaning. Now that we have a little more clarity on how stealth works, it is important to know that there are quite a few differences in correlation to the previous example of writing the message.

To begin with, for a sigil to be effective, it has to be unleashed by the person who drew it. This is due to the fact that the world of sigils is not a universal world, that is, there is no specific pattern for each type of spell, rather it is the person who performs it who has their own message.

In this way, despite the fact that we can intuit the sigils of others and, therefore, try to unleash a foreign sigil, it will never be as effective as our own because the force is in the subconscious of the person who uses it. has carried out.

How to create your own sigil

If we take into consideration everything that we have talked about sigils, it is obvious that we need to learn how to create our own sigils in order to take full advantage of their full benefit. If you feel that this is overwhelming for you, you do not have to worry since creating your own sigils is very simple.

The good and the bad thing about sigils is that they don’t follow any kind of rule, remember how difficult it was to read someone else’s. This means that sigils are ruled by chaos magic and therefore all kinds of symbols, shapes and patterns are accepted. In this way, creating a sigil is much simpler and also, of course, being able to differentiate one from the other.

The main essence of a sigil is that it serves as a coding element. If you are a good cartoonist, surely you will be able to enjoy and make a stealth worthy of admiration. If, on the other hand, drawing is not your thing, don’t worry since stealth will have the same effect, even if it was a bad doodle.

In this case, the only thing that matters is the intention when performing it and, of course, the importance that you want to attribute to it with respect to the casting of the spell.

If you take a look on the Internet, you will find a lot of sigils and you will realize that they really have nothing to do with each other and that there will be some better and some worse drawn. However, their power will be just as powerful.

how to make a sigil

To create a sigil you will only need a paper and a pencil. Before you get down to work, you have to be clear about the intention for which you are doing the sigil. This is because what you’re going to do is try to turn that sigil concept into a sentence.

This sentence must be short, since it has to be adapted to the sigil itself. Now that you have it clear, you must align the energy with the result you hope to seek with the spell, for example, finding happiness. Now, choose the phrase that represents your sigil, for example, «I will find happiness» and remove all the vowels from it. The remaining consonants will be the letters that will form the base of your sigil.

Around these letters, you must join them one by one until you create the same figure. At this point, with the help of a pen, you can create a sigil that is more or less beautiful, but always just as effective. Now that you have your stealth, all you have to do is activate it.

To do this, stare at it until your eyes become familiar with it and meditate on the phrase with which you created it. Do this until the sigil becomes a known figure for your subconscious, once this is done you will notice how you are linked to it, and you will notice that it is charged with energy.

This is all I can explain and teach you about sigils, I hope you find it interesting and useful.

Luz Silva Soler.