What are incubi and succubi?

They are demons, from various cultural traditions, who seek out women and men for sex. Any type of demon can take on this role. Succubi take female form to attack men in their dreams, while incubi do the opposite. Their goal is to steal the victim’s life energy. The word “incubus” comes from the Latin “incubare” (to lie on top) and “súcubus” derives from “succumbere” (to lie under). The first reports about these entities appeared in Mesopotamia, around 2400 BC, but the myth gained popularity in the Middle Ages, when women were accused of encountering demons and practicing witchcraft in return.

universal fame

There are versions of incubi around the world

A popular Brazilian legend in the North region may be the description of an incubus: the pink river dolphin. The freshwater dolphin would change into a man to seduce girls and would be recognized by the hat it wears to hide the hole in its head. There are also dwarf incubi in the folklore of Chile, Ecuador and South Africa. In the latter case, there are those who increase the height of the bed with bricks to protect themselves.

It’s their fault!

Stories about demons are still used to cover up abuse and unwanted pregnancies.


The appearance of incubi is not very erotic. They are usually described as short, hairy and with a human or animal face. They may also have horns and crowbars. There are descriptions that sex between women and men would be exhausting and not pleasant, due to the exaggerated size of their sexual organ.


Until the 15th century, the stories were about women molested in their sleep. From there came rumors about demon-loving witches. Over the centuries, descriptions of incubi and succubi became more detailed and exaggerated. In the 16th century, the idea emerged that sex with demons would be either amazing or very painful.

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Most medieval stories were about incubi with women. They would demand of witches that their babies be killed and that they cause storms and other natural disasters. Among the rare rumors about men loving demons, the case of an Italian who would have had the party in a brothel of succubi stands out.


Experiments with succubi, contrary to what happens with incubi, would be extremely pleasurable for men, although also tiring. Appearance-wise, succubi are generally stunning women. Sometimes they hide deformations, such as bat wings, claws, horns or a snake’s tail… There is a rumor that Pope Sylvester II (950-1003) would have had a relationship with a succubus and attributed his success to him

Consultancy Mateus Fornazari, from the website hauntado.com.br, and Walter Stephens, author of Demon Lovers: Witchcraft, Sex, and the Crisis of Belief

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