What are black masses?

They are rituals that mimic Catholic celebrations, but the worship is for Satan. Since the 3rd century there have been groups that perform distorted versions of the Christian mass. In the Middle Ages, the accused were Jews or women who allegedly practiced witchcraft. In 1966, Church of Satan leader Anton LaVey reorganized the ritual that reverses Christian precepts. Since then, different Satanists have adopted the practice.


First, we present the traditional ritual. Further down, you have the comparison with the black mass

(Doug Firmino/Strange World)

The altar is made of stone to symbolize Jesus’ sacrifice to save mankind – and references the Old Testament stories of animal sacrifices. On the altar is a chalice that will be used to pour the wine.

In the Church, it is common to find stained glass windows with the Via Crucis (name given to the trajectory of Jesus – from his condemnation to his death on the cross). There are also details of the lives of the saints and Our Lady, which serve as an example for the faithful.

Works of art (pictures, sculptures and stained glass) can be spread across the walls to remember moments in the life of Jesus and the saints of the Church. Decorated white tablecloths cover the altar and pulpit. The lighting must be bright

Catholic masses are held during the day or early evening. Catholics are advised to attend celebrations at least once a week (preferably on Sundays). It is also recommended to be baptized, make the first eucharist and go to confession once a year.

Every Catholic temple needs to fulfill some prerequisites: an altar, a locked shrine (always lit by a small lamp) where the hosts are kept, and a crucifix placed in a prominent place

Until the 1960s, masses were said in Latin. In 2007, Pope Benedict XVI released the practice again. In any language, prayers follow a format that organizes the liturgy into four stages – initial rites, liturgy of the word, eucharistic liturgy and final rites

The drink is also consecrated and symbolizes the blood of Jesus. It is usually served at special celebrations and can be replaced with grape juice to prevent priests who say several masses a day from consuming too much alcohol.

Everyone needs to dress without showing too much body. In more traditional places, women are still advised to cover their heads with a scarf as a sign of respect. Slippers, shorts, dark or brightly colored clothes are not recommended

Each phase of the mass has specific chants, carefully selected by the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (CNBB). Innovations in the repertoire and changes in lyrics or musical style are prohibited.

The high point of the mass is the consecration of the host: the transformation of the very thin piece of bread into the body of Christ, which is handed over to the faithful. At this moment, according to the Catholic faith, they come into direct contact with the son of God

They are the deacons (lay people with preparation to replace the priest), altar boys (young assistants) and leaders, organized into teams that take care of cleaning the church, decorating, chanting and reading passages from the Bible

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The priests lead the celebration. In the absence of them, deacons (consecrated lay people) can assume the post, but they are not allowed to bless the host – and therefore they use those that are already consecrated

Black Mass

Rituals mimic Catholic Masses down to the smallest detail

(Doug Firmino/Strange World)

Also stone, preferably dark. The ceremony simulates the death of Jesus, but without resurrection: he is defeated and imprisoned by demons and forces of hell who, in the belief of Satanists, have yet to overcome the Creator. The chalice is golden and has satanic symbols

In addition to offending the saints of Catholicism, the temple is dedicated to some demons, which are depicted in paintings and sculptures. The satanic triad formed by Lucifer, Beelzebub and Astaroth is the most honored. Celebrants use the Satanic Bible by Anton LaVey. This is where the prayers and passages used in the celebrations come from.

They display the skins and heads of dead animals, black candles and dark lamps. Narrow windows are covered and towels must be black in color. On the wall, pentagrams and apocryphal images show, for example, a saint having sexual intercourse with another man.

They are followers of demons. It is rare to find atheists, as participants must believe in some kind of supernatural force – in this case, the most evil forces, capable of giving sex appeal, money or power.

Black masses begin at midnight. Ideally, it should be an abandoned Catholic chapel. The crucifix is ​​placed upside down and the hosts can be kept in a dark place. The altar, which symbolizes the sacrifices, must also be the center of everything.

At the beginning of the ritual, the priest uses a dagger to claim Lucifer, Astaroth, Beelzebub and Lilith. Satanists praise demons with Latin phrases. The ritual is full of phrases like “Ave, Satanus” (“Ave, Satan)

They are leaders of the community of believers and take care of the decoration of the temple and the details, such as the songs and satanic texts. Newcomers to the group participate in singing and praying, but take time to start participating in activities of greater responsibility

The presence of a priest who has been excommunicated or has broken with the Church is mandatory. He would have the knowledge to conduct an inverted version. In the absence of renegade priests, Satanist gurus conduct the ceremony

It is contaminated by elements that refer to darkness and hell, such as urine, blood or human sperm (often collected during the ceremony!). It is also consecrated in reverse and then served to the faithful. The more alcoholic the drink, the better.

Dark clothing or no clothing at all: it is common for priests to be accompanied by naked women, even though they themselves wear black and red robes. Band T-shirts, low-cut dresses, tight dresses: everything is allowed, but it is preferable for the audience to remove their shoes and wear a dark cloak with a hood

Black metal, death metal… Heavy rock variations are welcome. In the repertoire, bands like Cannibal Corpse, God Macabre and Gorgoroth. The prayers, in Latin, can also be accompanied by dense musical background.

The recipe for the original host is adulterated and includes urine or blood (the latter is taken from the assistants, who are naked on the altar. They receive small cuts and are not sacrificed). The bread needs to be consecrated by the renegade priest to imprison the holiness of God. In some cases, apple slices are served, the supposed forbidden fruit that the serpent persuaded Adam and Eve to eat. In 17th-century France, the Black Mass was supposed to conclude with an orgy between all participants, including the priest.

CONSULTANCY John Saliba, professor of religious studies at the University of Detroit / SOURCES Books The Satanic Ritualsby Anton LaVey and Mass Niger: La Messe Noireby Aubrey Melech

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