We tell you what you need and how to prepare the best cheese table

Also, it is important think what time it will prepare and for how many people, since it is not the same to set up an informal pecking than to plan a special tasting for a dinner with guests.

Generally, cheese tables carry between five and eight different types of cheeses.

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What is needed for a cheese table?

To prepare the best cheese table, different elements are needed that we list below:

The table

The best thing is to choose a table or firm wood plate, that are resistant to cutting and that do not absorb the smells of the cheeses.

The temperature

Cheeses must be used Ambient temperature, So you have to remove them from the refrigerator at least 15 or 20 minutes before assembly.

Choose cheese types

Generally, a good cheese table has between 80 and 100 gr. When it comes to a snack, but if this is the protagonist dish of the night, it can be 175 to 200 gr of cheese.

For Choose cheese types, It is important to choose Between 5 and 8 types with different characteristics. The most common are usually:

Aged cheeses: Comte, Gruyere, Zamorano, Dziugas and Manchego.

Soft cheese: Brie, Camembert, Munster, Saint Felicien and Pont Mild.

Hard cheeses: Parmesan, Appenzeller, Payoyo, Canestrate and Pecorinno.

Blue cheeses: Stilton, Gorgonzola, Roquefort, Cabrales and Montagnolo.

Another option is Choose cheeses according to their country of origin, as a table for Spanish cheeses, French cheeses, etc.

We tell you everything that a good cheese table should carry.

Luke Southern / Unspash

How is cheese cut?

When it comes to a informal pecking, You can serve a small amount of cheese in the table and cut. However, in a dinner or formal meeting With guests, it is better to cut the cheese according to its characteristics: