Wart or tumor in dogs? A dog professional explains!

When you scratch your dog extensively and suddenly one knob feels on the skin, the first shock is great at first. What if it’s a tumor?

Whether your dog has a wart or a tumor is not always easy to tell recognize alone.

In this article, we take a closer look at the differences between a wart and a tumor.

Does my dog ​​have a tumor or just a wart?

It doesn’t always have to be behind a skin change in your dog malignant tumor put. It can also be a wart.

Strictly speaking, a wart is also a tumor. However, this is one benign growthwhich usually goes back on its own.

Older dogs in particular are prone to warts, the so-called age warts affected. These are often found on the face, ear or paws. Age warts can also be increasingly found on the genitals.

Good to know:

Warts are also called papillomas because they are caused by the papillomavirus to be triggered. The virus affects skin cells and mucous membranes.

Therefore, warts can be found not only on the skin, but also on the mucous membranes of the eyes or the muzzle.

The papilloma virus is contagious and can spread transmitted from dog to dog. Transmission to humans is not possible.

What do warts look like on a dog?

are warts skin growths, which are clearly protruding from the skin. They are usually small knobs the size of a pea. However, they can also be only a few millimeters in size.

Warts can have different characteristics. Some of them bear resemblance to one cauliflower and are bulging. Other warts, on the other hand, tend to be flat and stalked.

The surface is either smooth or cracked. Some warts also have fringes. They are either white, brown or black in color.

One black wart However, it can be a sign of skin cancer, which is why it is important to have it examined by a veterinarian.

How does a tumor feel?

A tumor in dogs often cannot be distinguished from a wart. You see and feel relative even which is why a veterinarian should always be consulted if there is a change in the skin.

Often, tumors in dogs are relative soft and can be easily moved. But there are also hard tumors.

In some dogs, the skin becomes lumpy and the surface of the skin has lumps. Also one poor wound healing can be a sign of a tumor.

Is a wart dangerous for my dog?

A wart is fundamental harmless for the dog. In many cases, the wart will heal on its own without requiring any special treatment.

If the wart is in a disturbing place, the surgical removal be taken into consideration.

However, the dog must be under general anesthesia, which is associated with some risks. Another option is treatment medication.

Many dog ​​owners would like the wart remove yourself. Castor oil has proven itself as a home remedy for relieving warts. The wart is rubbed with the oil and forms back after a few days.

In rare cases, the wart may continue proliferate and develop into a malignant tumor. You should therefore keep a close eye on them.

The wart suddenly starts to grow grow and if your dog is also exhibiting other symptoms such as fever, weight loss, or scratching and licking the area, it may be a tumor.


If the dog has scratched the wart and the wart is bleeding, it should be treated medically. Otherwise she can ignite and lead to further complications.

The wound should disinfected and covered with a plaster. In some cases it is necessary to surgically remove the wart after scratching it, for example if there is a risk that the dog will scratch the wart again.

When should I go to the vet?

If you discover a skin growth on your dog, you should always show it to a veterinarian. Because warts and tumors can be removed laymen difficult to distinguish from each other.

If the vet isn’t sure, he can tissue sample take and examine them.

One quick investigation of the affected area is essential, especially if it turns out that a tumor is present. Ultimately, it can save the life of your four-legged friend.


Whether your dog has a wart or a tumor cannot be said for sure on its own. The search for one veterinarian is therefore necessary.

Warts usually need no treatment and disappear again on their own after a while. If the wart is a major disruptive factor, it can also be surgically removed.

Have you ever noticed a change in the skin of your dog?