Violet color biblical and spiritual meaning (lilac, purple or purple)

Violet color biblical meaning The color violet (called purple, lilac or purple) is any of a wide variety of colors with a hue between blue and red. Although it is obtained by combining these two colors that belong to the visible light spectrum, purple itself is not.

However, it is a unique and precious color that is used today in all its many shades.

Let’s see, next, the color violet biblical and spiritual meaning (lilac, purple and purple)


its symbolism

Violet color biblical meaning #1 Relationship with God The color purple is important in the Bible. It appears about thirty times in the book of Exodus when the decoration of the tabernacle is described. The Israelites were instructed to make several curtains “twenty cubits long, of blue, purple, and scarlet thread and finely woven linen.” (Exodus 27:16) These instructions demonstrate that the color purple has a primary connection to God.

Later in the Book of Numbers, the Kohathite tribe is commanded to “remove the ashes from the brazen altar and spread a purple cloth over it” (Numbers 4:13).


Violet color biblical meaning #2 Dress of respected nobility. In the book of Judges, we are told that purple garments are the clothing of kings. In the book of Daniel, King Belshazzar announces that whoever interprets the strange writing on the wall will be awarded purple clothing.

Daniel 5:29 says: So, by order of Belshazzar, Daniel was clothed in purple, a gold chain was placed around his neck, and he was proclaimed the third highest ruler of the kingdom.

In the epilogue of Proverbs 31, we are told of the wife of a noble character. The chapter tells us that she is worth more than rubies and she must be honored. She supports her husband and takes care of her house. She makes sure there is always something to eat for her family but, most importantly for us, she “is clothed in fine linen and purple” (Proverbs 31:22), a noble and respected color.


Violet color biblical meaning #3 Does not equate to godly status if the person does wrong In Lamentations 4 he reveals that wearing purple does not equate to godly status.

Color does not protect people from the wrath of God or give them the right to sin without punishment. «Employees in royal purple are now in ash.» (Lamentations 4:5) These conceited people, dressed in royal colors, have become victims of God’s wrath.


Violet color biblical meaning #4 Negative use of color The most notable use of purple occurs in two of the Gospels, Mark and John. Although purple is a royal color, it is used negatively in these books. We all know that after Jesus was arrested he was crowned with thorns and mocked for being the “King of the Jews”. However, what is often overlooked in this story is the cloak of purple that he was also clothed with.

Mark 15:17: They put a purple robe on him, then twisted a crown of thorns and put it on him.
Mark 15:20: When they mocked him, they took off his purple robe and put his own clothes on him. Then they took him out to crucify him.

Purple was the color of kings, the color of important people, however the Romans used the color as a way to mock and torment Jesus.

In general, the purple color is important and symbolizes God. Although bad things happened to some people who wore purple, it was not the color that caused it, but their actions. Purple is a color that represents royalty, wealth, and nobility, but unless we put God first, it doesn’t matter what we wear.


Other symbolism

Violet color spiritual meaning (in general terms) We can say that purple or violet is the color of balance and spirituality. In addition to stimulating calm, which ensures balance, it also favors intuition, which connects us with what can only be achieved if we listen to our interior. Therefore, it is an ideal color for those who are developing a process of self-knowledge.

Other powers that the color violet has are the incentive to transformation and the government of the seventh chakra, located at the top of the head, known as the Coronary. Note that all the benefits of color are related to each other. It is not possible to develop self-knowledge without transforming or finding a center of balance within oneself.

So that you can absorb all the properties of the color purple, you only have to do one of the practices that we have separated below. Choose the one that best suits your lifestyle and what you want to achieve.

The easiest way to feel the power of the color violet is to meditate thinking about it. Do it in a quiet environment without distractions and imagine that a beam of violet light passes through your body, starting at the top of your head and filling your entire body. .


Violet color spiritual meaning (In chromotherapy) Chromotherapy is a form of treatment whose premise is to use the energy emitted by each color to help the healing or evolution of a person. Since the color violet is supposed to stimulate calm and intuition, it should be used primarily for meditation.

In this case, lighting a purple light in the place where you meditate can be a way to silence your being to hear more clearly what your inner being is trying to tell you, connecting you with your spirituality.

Another way to incorporate chromotherapy and the color violet into your daily life is solarized water. To do this, you must use a purple glass bottle or a bottle wrapped in purple cellophane.

After separating the bottle, fill the container with mineral water and leave it in the strong sun closed for an hour or in the weak sun all day. By drinking the solarized water from the purple glass, you will be able to feel more calm, rescue your beliefs and pay more attention to your process of self-discovery.


Violet color spiritual meaning (Uses of crystals) If you are a person who believes in the power of crystals, those that are purple or have shades of this tone can help you considerably in your daily life. Are any of them already part of your gem kit? Find out.

The best known purple crystal is the stone amethyst, which can be used in jewelry, amulets or in its raw form. This stone has the power to stimulate your spirituality and is widely used for meditation.

In addition, we have the Charoite (spiritual teaching and self-knowledge), the Lepidolite (peace and serenity) and the Muscovite (stimulation of one’s own abilities).

The color purple, which did not receive so much attention before, must already have a meaning in your eyes after everything that has been presented about it. Continue to develop your spirituality and your process of self-knowledge by considering a powerful color for it!


Violet color spiritual meaning (in different cultures)

In Hinduism, purple symbolizes peace and wisdom.
In Catholicism, purple is closely associated with Advent and Lent.
For Judaism, purple represents redemption through God.
In Egypt, purple symbolizes virtue and faith.
In most African countries, it is a symbol of royalty and prosperity.
For the United States, purple is the color of honor.
In Brazil and Thailand, purple is a color of mourning when worn together with black.

If you want to know more about the violet color biblical meaning and spiritual meaning, you can ask your question in the comments section or send it to our email or social networks.


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