Viejo head cactus: care of this peculiar species

One of the most popular cactus in decoration is Cactus old head either Viejito cactusa peculiar species originally from Mexico that is characterized by its fine, white or grayish hairs.

Of slow growth, this species usually Flow in mid -spring and early summer, With small yellow, red or white flowers, so it is ideal to decorate both interior and small gardens.

We share the care of the old head cactus!

Originally from Mexico, old cactus is a long -lived species.Sergio Amiti / Getty images

Viejo head cactus, what is it?

He Cephalocereus senilis, better known as Cactus old headIt is one Species originally from Mexicovery popular in the states of Querétaro and Hidalgo, which is characterized by their fine and long white or grayish hairs, which are thorns that protect them from cold.

This species that have variations such as Cephacereus column-trajani, cephalocereus totolapensis or cephalocereus nizandensis, It is also known as Viejito cactus or old man for its appearance, and usually have Yellow, red or white flowers They open at night.

How long does it take to grow an old cactus?

One of the characteristics of this species is its longevity, since it can live hundreds or even thousands of years under the right conditions.

However, this cactus is slow growth10 to 15 centimeters high per year, and usually flourish in mid -spring and early summer.

A good advice to increase the growth of «white hair» of this species, is Add fertilizer with mineral fertilizer rich in lime in spring and in summer.

With the necessary care, this kind of cactus can live hundreds of years.AMW / Getty Images

How to take care of an old head cactus?

Like every kind of cactus, this does not need many care, However, your longevity will depend on the conditions of your environment.


It is recommended to plant or place the old man head in places with a lot of light, since this species loves the sun, which helps increase its thorns.


This species grows on any substrate, but add a part of pumice or volcanic rock Help its growth.


Ideally, this cactus must take off once a weekhowever, you can also immerse the pot in a water bucket and repeat the action every time it dries completely.


While this cactus does not require pruning, you can Clean the hair That they look dirty or brown, with the help of a soap solution, always careful not to wet the substrate with it.

How to reproduce old cactus?

This species usually reproduces through seedstaking into account that:

  • They can Buy the seeds or collect them After the flowering of an adult plant.
  • In warm climates, it is possible to sow them in abroadbut do it in interior is simpler, either at home or in a greenhouse.
  • The most important thing when sowing them on a ground with Good drainage.
  • In interior with good lightthis can grow in just 2 months.