Video: Aída Victoria and Yeferson Cossio’s kiss would prove romance

In the last hours on social networks, a video of a kiss between Aída Victoria and Yeferson Cossio has been circulating that would prove their romance.

This Monday, February 28, the renowned Colombian influencer, Yeferson Cossio, announced through his official Instagram account (after much speculation) that his relationship with Jennifer Muriel had come to an end.

There he expressed that, contrary to what many believed (because it was stated that their breakup had been due to infidelity) the decision to end was made by both of them because each one was focused on different things, so weeks ago They decided to say goodbye.

«We both wanted different things, in many aspects, we love each other too much to understand that in love there are things we can give in, there are many other things that make our paths separate.»

In his recording, Cossio referred to Muriel with immense affection, highlighting several of her qualities, such as her humility, her loyalty and her nobility, and assured that «there are no 2 like her», however, it seems that her heart was quickly captivated. for another woman. Who is it about?

Through social networks it was learned that the paisa would be meeting with the controversial content creator Aída Victoria Merlano in the city of Bucaramanga, apparently for work reasons. However, during their meeting some images were leaked in which they were seen very caramelized.

Kiss between Aída Victoria and Yeferson Cossio would prove their romance. Now it is undeniable!

In this regard, hundreds of Internet users filled the Barranquilla woman with questions, who had not commented on the matter on her networks, but in the face of the growing wave of comments and speculation, Merlano decided to share a story in which she clarified why she was with the influencer and demanded not to get her into a breakup she had nothing to do with.

But despite his explanation, the comments of all kinds continued, so that, visibly upset, he decided to share a reel-type video on his Instagram in which, although he did not deny the way in which they were photographed, he explained its context. She also claimed to have dated someone who did not have a partner.

His explanations cleared the doubts of many, but there were still certain details that for many did not fit, but all this was completely confirmed after a video was leaked in which the Barranquilla and the paisa appeared giving a passionate kiss in a public establishment.

Given this new evidence, neither Merlano nor Cossio have spoken about it, so it is expected that they will soon give their version of events.

And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!