Vaca Language: Origin and Medicinal Use

The cow tongue It is a special plant, eye: this is not the same as the mother -in -law that is usually much more popular. It is commonly known for its numerous benefits, as it is a medicinal plant used from hundreds of years ago. And it is that nature is so powerful and healing that much of it has become a great allopathic alternative that, although it is a great modern medicine assistant, should not be a substitute for the recommended medical treatment.

The cow tongue It is also known as Tepozán grass, a wild plant that has ornamental use. It is a perennial, herbaceous and dicotyledonous, thick root, originally from Europe. The cow tongue It is considered an invasive species with high seed production, since it can reproduce up to 6 thousand seeds that remain on the ground for more than 80 years.

Cow language and its characteristics

This plant remains green throughout the year, although it can also have reddish dyes, and grows up to 1.5 meters high. The hojitas of the mother -in -law They sprout into small knots along the stem and at the base of them, small white and/or yellow flowers sprout that are grouped in the form of a sphere.

Cow tongue and its benefits

The cow tongue It has different medicinal uses, it is usually used as an infusion to treat stomach conditions such as infections. Likewise, its usual consumption helps the production of bile and avoids the appearance of stomach ulcers. On the other hand, the alcohol smeared plant decreases fever, reduces swelling and hesitates wounds.

For children it can be a good adjuvant treatment of papers, in addition to their root, laxative and purifying.

Also, the cow tongue It has dermatological use because it is a skin treatment and relieve sores, blisters and burns.