Uterine Inflammation in Dogs: 5 Symptoms & Causes

One Inflammation of the uterus in dogs is of course something that only bitches can get sick.

But how does this inflammation come about?

Which symptoms and consequences has she?

And is there anything you can possibly do to avoid this condition entirely?

You will find the answers to these important questions in the following guide.

Uterine Inflammation in Dogs – Symptoms & Signs

Since our dogs cannot tell us word for word whether and what is wrong with them, it is up to us pay attention to the corresponding symptoms.

Of course, this also applies to a uterine infection in a bitch.

So how can you recognize one? And how can you differentiate these signs from possible other diseases? You will find out now.

Good to know:

The following The symptoms listed do not exclusively indicate an inflammation of the uterus. They can also indicate other diseases.

So it’s best to make one for yourself symptom listwhich you can use to find or rule out possible causes on your own or with the veterinarian.


One inflammation means for every organism that it has to fight against it. That again is with effort connected, and this power dull and chipped.

Do you have the feeling that your dog is significantly less active? Then please pay attention to the symptoms listed below.

loss of appetite

If your bitch has a uterine infection, she almost has it automatically pain.

These in turn are not a good motivator to want to eat. Loss of appetite is one of the symptoms that can indicate uterine inflammation.


A sure sign that your bitch’s health is failing is Fever. Because an elevated temperature means that the body is actively fighting an invader.

Good to know:

You can take your dog’s temperature yourself. That’s what it will be for Fever thermometer in the anus introduced. So that this does not hurt, you can rub it with Vaseline.

The normal body temperature in dogs, by the way between 37.5 and 39 degrees Celsius.

From 40 degrees one speaks of Fever. The temperature rises to 41 degrees and morethis is for the dog life threatening.

Discharge & Odor

A sure sign that something is wrong with your dog’s reproductive organs is the Combination of discharge and odor.

For example, if there is inflammation, it affects both the color, consistency and also the smell of the discharge.

Without going into too much detail, this one doesn’t just look worrying, he does also smells very bad. This can partly also laced with blood be.

In addition, this can blood in the urine find again. But you should be particularly careful here. Because blood in the urine can also indicate a bladder infection Clues.


Due to its location, the uterus is in some cases a negative «guarantor» for abdominal pain. So too with bitches. If there is inflammation, it suffers from a painful stomach.

This one is also plump and still will tentatively moved in. Added to this is a curved backwho also suffers from the inflammation.

Possible causes of uterine inflammation

The most common cause of uterine infection in bitches is an unsuccessful castration.

Why? The body continues to produce sex hormones, which in the case of castration or sterilization no longer «swim» through the organism.

Accordingly, it is above all bitches who are still capable of reproduction who can suffer from this quite dangerous inflammation.

In fact, here is especially the Heat is a risk factor. During this time, the uterine lining decreases.

It thus provides the breeding ground for a large number of bacteria. These enter the uterus through a small opening.

Is the Heat now over, closes himself the cervix again. With the result that not only sperm may have found their way to the ovaries here, but also pathogens.

And these are now trapped there and can do a lot of damage. Not only non-castration can be a cause.

Also count hormonal imbalances, pregnancy as well as cancers to the triggers of uterine inflammation.

Already knew?

In professional circles, the inflammation of the uterus is also known as «pyometra» designated. This will be in a open and a closed pyometra distinguished.

At a open pyometra can he Drain pus through the cervix. At a closed pyometra is this closed.

The pus collects then in cavity of the uterus at.

How is uterine infection in dogs treated?

Have you recognized the above symptoms in your bitch? going to the vet at.

It is very helpful if you have recorded the course of the symptoms. It also helps the vet for further diagnostics if you can tell him when your last heat was.

Because: As a rule, an inflammation of the uterus occurs 4 to 8 weeks after the last heat on or on.

What is the next step for the vet? First, based on laboratory diagnostics the blood values and the blood chemistry examined. Also becomes one sonography made.

This can be used to determine what the uterus looks like and what form the pyometra is present.

In an emergency, a surgical intervention necessary be. Namely when the suspicion of a uterine perforation consists.

If your bitch is suffering from uterine inflammation, the most successful therapy is a so-called ovariohysterectomy. Both the uterusas well as the ovaries removed.

In some cases you can also use a antibiotic therapy try to get the inflammation under control. Among other things, antibiotic pens are inserted directly into the uterus.

In general, however, this far less promising, than the castration. In fact, this is so far the only really effective therapy to save the life of the sick dog.

Good to know

The diseased uterus is then transplanted into the Veterinary Pathology sent. Because it has to be found out whether not maybe a cancer behind the inflammation stuck.


At first glance, an inflammation of the uterus in a bitch may “only” sound unpleasant.

Actually but it can be life threatening and at worst mean that the bitch with uterine infection has to be euthanized.

If you don’t have a bitch that is used for breeding, one is Castration at a young age is a right and important decision.

Not only do you reduce the risk of uterine inflammation, you can rule it out in most cases – at least as far as the hormonal influence as a trigger is concerned.

Also you reduce the risk of breast cancer. Bitches can also get sick from this.

We hope that your dog has not yet had to experience this common inflammation. If this was the case, we certainly hope that everything went well.

Would you like to share these experiences with us in the comments as a help for other dog owners? It definitely makes us happy and helps!