Urticaria and stress, what should I do? – Online Psychologists

Urticaria and stress are closely related, in fact to a certain extent. 50% of patients suffer from this inflammatory reaction due to psychogenic factors. But what can I do to stop it? We'll tell you all about it here.

What is hives?

Urticaria is an inflammatory reaction of the skin that manifests itself through raised red spots accompanied by itchingThis sign is usually the effect of allergic substances from various foods or medications.

In fact, if you are prone to hives you can develop an allergy to almost any substance:

  • Food.
  • Substance in the composition of a food (peanuts, crustaceans, colorants, preservatives, antibiotics, yeasts, histamine in cheeses, sausages, chocolate…).
  • Dust.
  • Chemical substance contained in industrial or domestic products.
  • Insect bites.
  • Drugs.

However, there are other causes that can trigger hives, such as stress, which we will discuss now.

Types of hives

There are three types of hives: acute, chronic and cholinergic.

Acute urticaria

This is the most known and commonThe crisis occurs due to the mast cell overactivation (which participate in the protection of the body) that intervene in the event of viral infection (bronchitis, angina, otitis, etc.).

The reaction occurs mainly at night and may last hours or even 4 or 5 days. In the event that the trigger of acute urticaria was the stress or great mental fatiguewould be classified as nervous urticaria.

Chronic urticaria

The chronic type of urticaria is the one that is repeated regularlyeither every day or several times a week for more than a month and a halfThis time it is not a more or less temporary aggression, but a chronic inflammatory disease.

Cholinergic urticaria

The so-called cholinergic arises when body temperature increases. Physical exertion, a shower or bath that is too hot, or even a strong emotion can be the cause. Small red or pink spots appear on the chest. Usually, They disappear after a few minutes when the temperature drops.

Urticaria and its relationship with stress

These itchy bumps that spread rapidly across the skin, as we have mentioned, are also the result of a stress cluster. The skin reacts easily to the body's states and therefore also to stress.

During shock or periods of anxiety, it is possible notice pimples (acne breakout) or red spots that may itch (psoriasis flare, atopic eczema attack, skin rash) on the skin.

This is because when you are going through a period of anxiety or emotional tension, the immune system sends signals that indicate that it is about to fall apart. One of these signs is the increase in the histamine in the bloodThis biologically produced substance is responsible for the eruptions of plaques and sores on the skin.

When does stress cause hives?

As we have seen, when urticaria is a product of stress, it is acute typewhich frequently presents blackish crusts due to the lifting of the skin from the continuous itching and, therefore, scratching. However, unlike food-induced or drug-induced hives, stress-related hives most often goes away without treatment.

However, sometimes the situation is more complex. Chronic urticaria can become a source of stress and take the form of acute urticaria.. This causes itching and sleep disturbances. In addition, flare-ups can worsen pre-existing depressive and anxiety symptoms.

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What does stress-induced hives look like?

The symptoms of hives usually manifest as Itchy patches on hands, feet, and neckWhen the effect of intense pressure, allergic puffs tend to spread quickly and can even affect your internal organs.

If you do not eliminate the stress factor from your life and do not treat your hives you can put your health in serious danger. Patients suffering from stress-related urticaria also develop respiratory problems.

Stress management to treat hives

So how can I deal with stress to avoid hives and the symptoms mentioned above? Put the following tips into practice:

Add exercise to your daily routine

Getting started with 10 minutes of exercise a day can reduce your overall feeling of stress. The hormones produced during the exercise session can help you deal better with stressful situationseven more so after you've finished exercising.

Practice relaxation techniques

The use of methods such as Deep breathing, yoga, meditation and mindfulness techniques They can increase your ability to cope with stressful situations, as well as reduce your body's reaction when stress occurs.

Find a social outlet

Participating in social activities, both in person and online, can help reduce stress. Talking about challenging situations releases hormones that reduce stressWhen you feel stressed, call a friend or get involved in any event or social gathering to feel better.

Take care of yourself

Taking care of yourself means giving yourself the Tools needed to better manage stress in life. Take steps to ensure that you are maintaining a healthy diet and getting enough sleep. When you eat unhealthy foods or go through the day with only a few hours of sleep, your ability to deal with stress decreases.

Find out what helps you relax

Some people find it relaxing to engage in a hobby, others find it relaxing to spend time with their pet, drawing, painting, or writing, etc. Any activity is helpful. Try different practices and Analyze how you feel after doing them. Then, make sure to spend time each day on those activities that have made you feel most relaxed.

It is also recommended review your priorities and the sources of stress in your life. Are there things you can do to reduce or eliminate stressful activities? Pay attention to when your stress appears and make a decision. List of solutions with which you can change the situation or your reaction to the situation.

For example, you may realize that you need to look for a new job or simply change the way you perceive your current job.

Likewise, to change your thought process and bring more balance to your life, you can working with a cognitive behavioral therapist to help you achieve this goal.

Treatment of urticaria

To end hives, you have to address the trigger that is causing it: the stressor if it is rather an allergy, identify the responsible allergens. This may lead to banning certain foods in the case of food allergy, removing the offending products from the environment if necessary, or considering desensitization if possible. It is advisable to perform symptomatic treatments to relieve attacks, whether or not we have identified the cause.

Hives and stress, how do I fix it?

Knowing that urticaria is a reaction to stressthe latter should be the focus of attention and action. It is important to keep in mind that the problem is not so much the attack of urticaria, but its cause. Therefore, we are going to explain how to treat urticaria when its root is stress.

First, as we have pointed out in the previous point, it is necessary Identify stressors to which hives are responding. Analyze your situation, because what is stressful for one person may not be for another.

We can distinguish material stressorsthat is to say, specific problems to be solved:

  • Important decisions to make.
  • Diseases.
  • Accidents.
  • Money.
  • Dwelling.
  • Time management issues.

Just as they are distinguished relational factors:

  • Industrial relations.
  • Communication difficulties.
  • Couple conflicts.
  • Friendship problems.

Depending on the case, you can resort to cognitive-behavioral techniques to progress, such as problem-solving techniques, time management or self-affirmation.

In the same way it should also be review the reaction to stressorsAutomatic self-critical thoughts can build up, leading to disaster scenarios or awakening painful memories.

The cognitive behavioral therapy It is very helpful. As we have already mentioned, the practice of mindfulness meditation will allow you to learn to live with your emotions without fighting them, and to let them calm down on their own. Small techniques, whether breathing or otherwise, will also be very useful to calm things down when the adrenaline is flowing through your veins.

Online psychologist to treat stress hives

The cognitive behavioral therapy is the most consistent therapeutic approach to stress management. Therefore, if your hives are a consequence of this disorder, go to a online psychologist is one of the solutions. It has the effective tools and techniques to solve stress.

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The therapeutic professional can put these techniques into practice:

  • Covert Assertion Technique. Method to reduce stress through the development of two skills: thought interruption and thought substitution.
  • Systematic desensitization technique. Practice dealing with objects and situations that pose a threat.
  • Covert sensitization technique. Method for treating destructive habits. This consists of eliminating a habit by associating it with an unpleasant imaginary stimulus.
  • DisplayThe visualization technique is a very useful tool to achieve greater control of the mind, emotions and body and achieve the desired changes in behavior.

Likewise, there are other practices with which an online psychologist can help you manage stress and, therefore, reduce hives.

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