He Urban Garden It makes possible the ecological harvest on the balcony. It is known that cultivating a garden makes you happy, and it is also healthy. And not only for fresh air or the contribution of vitamin D of the sun. Another byproduct is the variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs grown at home, which have a delicious taste and a very decorative appearance. In addition, curved zucchins with imparo are more casual than straight supermarket sticks. The best thing is that most outbreaks can be grown without a large garden or many tools.
What is urban gardening?
The Urban Gardening It refers to private or community gardening in small spaces not used in the city center. It can be a separate area of the garden, a green roof or even your own balcony. Environmental and self -sufficient production and conscious consumption of agricultural products are fundamental in this case. The tendency to cultivate a garden or urban garden is related mainly to the rise of vegetarianism and veganism, as well as with greater awareness of the environment. But, above all, the social aspect is emphasized, since cultivating a common garden reinforces cohesion in cities and communities and encourages communication between people.
The most important principle: be creative in a small space
As already stated, urban gardening takes advantage of the city's wasteful spaces. And these are, as in cities, mostly small. Although sometimes it is possible to rent small plots, most people use their own balcony, a gardener or a rented clench. However, this does not mean that nothing big can be cultivated. When space is limited, creativity is needed. If only a pot is available, vegetables and aromatic herbs can be combined, for example. Cebollino, watercress and the columndarban, for example, get along together in a small space, as are oregano, basil and rosemary. But you can also use shelves, stairs or hanging baskets for the urban garden. Strawberries, snack cucumbers or hanging tomatoes are suitable for it.
Gardening in the city works here
Any open space that receives some light and can be watered can serve to cultivate a garden or urban garden. Several cultivation ideas in urban areas include high beds on terraces or balconies, as well as in their own garden or even on the roof of your house. In Pflanzen Kölle, for example, you can even order online all kinds of fruit and vegetable seedlings if you live in the urban jungle without car or load bike.
In a high driver
Thanks to its compact and robust design, the high ridges of Urban Gardening They can be installed on both the natural soil of the garden and on the mainland, such as concrete, pavement or the balcony. This means that the location and plantar independently of the underlying soil properties can be freely determined.