Unresolved childhood trauma: causes, symptoms and treatment

Emotional pain as a result of a painful event is something very normal that occurs daily in people and also in children. traumas They can drag on from childhood into adulthood if not resolved in time, and this can have consequences in your adult life.

A unresolved emotional wound from the past It can condition your entire life from that moment on and can explain why you may have a more pessimistic view of life or other behaviors.

This may be more common in Children, who do not have the skills to cope with and manage this type of trauma and feelings, causing them to tend to close themselves off, instead of telling and overcoming them.

Childhood traumas are usually caused by moments, facts or events that were difficult or painful for you in your childhood and that you have not overcome, Some of the most common causes are:

  • Lack of affection in the family nucleus.
  • Sexual abuse.
  • Psychological abuse.
  • Abuse.
  • Bullying.
  • Death of someone close.
  • Addictions to any substance in the family nucleus (alcohol or other drugs), this can lead to abusive behavior by the family member who consumes them, such as physical or verbal abuse.
  • Extraordinary situations such as catastrophes.

Signs of untreated childhood trauma

These traumas can lead to the appearance of certain symptoms such as anxiety, stress or low self-esteem. You may also not have developed these symptoms without being really aware that you have a trauma.

Symptoms or behaviors:

  • You don't show emotions. Not expressing their feelings or opinions for fear of being undervalued or mocked. In addition, they usually tend to and want to go unnoticed.
  • You tend to avoid conflicts. Whether due to hostile moments experienced in the family unit, friends, school, etc. (aggressions of any kind, humiliation…) you tend to avoid confrontations at all costs.
  • Lack of self-esteem. Lack of confidence and self-love is a clear symptom of insecurities that have arisen in the past due to a lack of affection, being the object of ridicule, etc. This has caused you to not value yourself at all and, in addition, you adopt a negative view of yourself and of life in general.
  • Strong temperament. Traumas experienced in the past may cause you to have a strong temperament, meaning that you may get very angry easily when faced with certain comments or actions.
  • You show yourself as a self-confident person when you are not.That is, you create a facade to avoid your insecurities from being seen and to prevent them from harming you.
  • Anxiety. Or social anxiety, you don't like interacting with people, you prefer not to do so in a way that they can't cause you emotional harm.
  • Depression.
  • You don't rest properly.
  • Insecurities.
  • Lack of concentration.

Unresolved childhood traumas can even lead to the appearance of more serious disorders, directly associated with insecurities, self-esteem problems that can create problems such as TCA (Eating Disorder), post-traumatic stress, etc.

It is important to note that the symptoms and behaviours that may result will depend on the trauma you have experienced and the degree to which it has affected you. Even so, treating it as soon as possible is the best solution to prevent it from leading to any further trauma.

If you recognize any of these symptoms in your children, do not hesitate to seek the support of an online psychologist.

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Overcome your insecurities and accept your emotions to overcome past traumas with the help of a psychologist.

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The best solution to overcome trauma is to go to therapy with a professional psychologist. It is best to go to a psychologist as soon as possible when faced with a traumatic situation, both as an adult and as a child, so that you do not carry around the emotions generated by that event. That is, if you suffer some type of traumatic event or fact in your childhood (be it physical or psychological abuse, harassment, or some type of exceptional event such as an accident) you should go to a psychologist to discuss it as soon as possible.

A professional has the skills to help treat this trauma, so that you know how to identify it and can recognize and manage the emotions it provokes in you in order to resolve and overcome them. In this way, with the time that this requires, you will not carry the consequences of it into your adult life and it will not have a negative impact on your life and your emotional state.

At we have an excellent team of professional psychologists who can help you. More than 1,600 people have already contacted us, leave us your query and you can make an appointment for an online therapy session, first briefing is free.