Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

In witchcraft, multiple uses of the pants can be used to make ties. UNDERPANTS SPELL TO DOMINATE, underwear spells to dominate a woman and underwear spells to dominate a man, It is used for rituals that have to do with love, among other things. It must be noted that there are too many incantations available in books, on the internet and very few of them that really work, below we will explain the spells that have worked and they have been successful in the majority of people who have carried out the ritual.

Underpants spell to dominate

As I have previously said, the underwear spell to dominate is the first initiative that arises when wanting to try underwear witchcraft, it is love. Since intimate garments usually promote the power of lovehe sexual desire and do what think about you many times throughout the day.



  • The oldest underwear you own.
  • A red candle.
  • A small role.
  • A red or pink pen.


After having the ingredients or materials we can proceed to perform the underwear spell to dominate a woman (you can also enter Spells to dominate a woman where you will find more options).

  1. Step 1: Wait until midnight or midnight to start the ritual. Light the white candle and you are going to recite the following prayer

    “By the power of Adonay, I invoke the celestial spirits in this place to consecrate this ritual and make my wishes successful.”

  2. Step 2: When finished, write the name of the person you want on the small paper with the red pen and insert it into the fabric of the underwear.
  3. Step 3: You are going to hug the fabric with all your strength and think about how much you love that woman, how much you want her and want to have her with you, after that leave it on your feet and recite the following prayer
    “I ask for the power of the three souls that San Cipriano watches over, enemies will not bother us so it will be and so what is already done. Pompa tour queen of the 7 skirts I ask you to tie (full name of the woman) in the 7 of her skirts and in the 7 stews of her clothes for her (repeat her full name). May (woman’s name) not be with any other man other than me (your full name). Make all men leave her permanently, that (her name) she only has me (your name) as her only man forever in her thoughts and in her heart .”



• 1 A photo of the man you want to tie up (it should be of good quality and taken if possible focusing on his face).
• Red underwear or underwear.
• A wooden box.
• Five red candles.
• A table with a red tablecloth.


  1. Step 1: It Must be done on a saturday night in the last quarter moon. You must place the 5 candles on the table with the red tablecloth and light them.
  2. Step 2: After all the candles are lit, place the photo in the center of the candles and lastly the red underwear.
  3. Step 3: Through the ritual process you will say the following prayer

    “In the name of Charon, who lives in the afterlife observing the souls of mortals. I call upon you tonight to carry out your will of my desire. Oh, Charon, hear what I have to tell you. Make (say the person’s full name) love me and not stop loving me, look for me and not stop looking for me, chase me and not stop chasing me, look at me and not stop looking at me. That there is no other person who can get into our relationship. He has no eyes or mouth for anyone else. All of him belongs to me (say your full name). Charon, my plea is a humble message that I bring to your ears. Don’t let me fall into this night. So be it».

  4. Step 4: Now it’s your turn to place the photo inside a wooden box, you must place the box under the bed. The spell will take effect after having sex with the man you want to spell, with the box under the bed.

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Within the underwear spell to dominate, there are powerful spells that are performed by placing a piece of paper inside the underwear to attract the person you like. For them you need the following ingredients below and Follow the steps to the letter otherwise it will have no effect.


  • A small role.
  • A red ink pen.
  • Your underwear, you can choose the one you wear most often for maximum success.
  • A red candle.
  • A cinnamon-scented incense.


Once we have all the ingredients, we proceed with the ritual:

  1. Step 1: We light the candle in a space that looks like an altar, and at its feet we will place the underwear.
  2. Step 2: Next you must write the full name of the person in question on the small piece of paper with the red piece of paper. While you do it, it is advisable to think strongly and deeply about the person.
  3. Step 3: Then you must put the piece of paper in your underwear, then light the incense and let its smell fill you, while all this happens you must say the following underwear spell to fall in love,

    “With the permission of Almighty God and the good intentions of the Holy Spirits, earthly and heavenly, of the pure spirit of my queen and mother María Lionza, I offer these prayers as a tribute to judgment, thought and person, to the five senses, living matter and created and brain of (his full name) Today, the day he was born, the day he was baptized, the day he will die. Three times the earth vibrated, three times the sea trembled, so may the heart of (his full name) tremble as he thinks of abandoning me.»

You must remember to speak very clearly when reciting the spell and even more clearly when saying the names. So that the spell has maximum effectiveness and confusion does not occur.