What are the headquarters of the UNAM that are out of Mexico?
Through the so -called international area, We know the UNAM venues Around the world. In 2015, the rector created an organizational structure giving way to the coordination of international relations and issues (CRAI), as part of the Ministry of Institutional Development.
To the CRAI, the General Directorate of Cooperation and Internationalization (DGECI), the Teaching Center for Foreigners (CEPE), the UNAM headquarters, the Network of Macro Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean (Red Macro), the International Unit of University Headquarters (UISU) and, later, the University Network of Internationalization (Ruri) were assigned to the CRAI.
The objective is to support the programs that reinforce education, promote the internationalization of careers and, of course, consolidate the highest house of studies in the world. Actually, UNAM has agreements with universities from other countries. These are:
- San Antonio (Extension School)
- Canada (Extension School)
- Chicago (Extension School)
- China (University of Foreign Studies of Beijing)
- Spain (Cervantes Institute, Madrid)
- Los Angeles (California State University, Northridge)
- France (University of La Sorbonne, Paris)
- United Kingdom (King's College London)
- Tucson (University of Arizona)
- Germany (Free University of Berlin)
- Boston (University of Massachusetts)
- Cuba (University of Havana, Cuba)
What headquarters of UNAM can architecture be studied?
Depending on the agreement of each university in the world, UNAM offers the architecture career. However, you must be aware of each house of studies. In Mexico it is taught in three headquarters of the UNAM:
- Faculty of Architecture, in CU in the CDMX
- Aragon Faculty of Higher Studies in the CDMX
- Faculty of Higher Studies Zaragoza in the CDMX