Types of WICKS for CANDLES

Did you know that there are different types of candle wicks? If you are thinking of starting to make your own candles at home, you have to know the different types that exist and their characteristics because, in this way, you will be able to easily create these decorative objects that are ideal for setting and decorating your home.

In this article we are going to discover you all types of candle wicks that exist and, in addition, we will give you some good tips so that you become an expert in homemade candle making. Let your creativity flourish!

The types of wicks to make candles that exist

If you want to choose the best wicks for homemade candles, you have to know that there are different types to choose from and that, depending on the type of candle you want to make or your own preferences, you can choose one or the other.

Here we will leave you a complete list with the types of wicks to make existing candles so that you can get to know them and choose the best one for you.

waxed wicks

This type of wick is one that is coated with wax in order to better withstand the fire. In fact, they are the most typical wicks and are normally used in conventional candles that we find in most stores. They are wicks that are covered with a film of wax and, therefore, end up being «waxed», hence the name that designates them.

ecological wicks

In recent times, ecological fashion is going strong and, for this reason, in the field of candles we also find ecological wicks that are made with sustainable materials and that their cremation does not emit toxic or harmful gases for the environment.

Special wicks for gel candles

In the event that you want to make gel candles, then you have to know that there are special wicks to use in this type of candle. There are many places where they sell candle wicks, such as craft stores or, also, web pages specialized in the elaboration of this craft.

Considerations for choosing the best type of candle wick

Now that you know the different types of highlights that exist, you have to know that there are a series of aspects that you also have to take into account when buying them. They are the following:

  • candle diameter: it is important that you take into account the diameter because, the wider it is, the more filaments it will have to have.
  • Paraffin melting point: this is also another important aspect to take into account because the higher the melting point of the paraffin, the wick must have a larger diameter.
  • sail thickness: You should also take into account the thickness of the homemade candle because, depending on it, you should choose a wick that has more strands so that it is more or less thick.

Types of wicks for beeswax candles

In the event that you want to make beeswax candles, it is best that you opt for the ecological wicks Well, in this way, you get your candle to be 100% sustainable. These wicks are paraffin-free and, therefore, when you burn them, they will not emit any substance that is harmful to the environment.

How to make candle wicks with wood

If you want to learn how to make candle wicks, then we are going to discover you a very ecological and innovative technique: wooden wicks for candles.

How can you make these highlights so peculiar? Here is a step-by-step guide so you can easily do it. Attentive!

  1. Balsa wood sticks: The first thing we will do is cut the wooden sticks, ensuring that they are about 3 centimeters higher than the container in which we will put the candle. These wooden sticks can be easily found in craft stores.
  2. use olive oil: The next step in making candle wicks is for you to pour a little olive oil into a deep plate and then dip the wooden sticks until they are completely covered; With this, you will get the fuse to light more quickly. Leave it submerged for 20 or 30 minutes.
  3. Clean the oil: After this time you should remove the wooden sticks and dry them with an absorbent paper towel to remove excess oil.
  4. Wick holder on the wooden stick: Next, you must place a metal wick holder at the end of the wood so that it is well secured inside the candle.

And ready! With these simple steps you will have managed to create an ecological and perfect wick for your homemade candle. Get to work!

Finally we leave you with this video where you will see how to make candle wicks at home and without spending a penny.

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