Types of love spell

There are various techniques and love spells and the best thing is that they are all homemade, so you can easily perform them at home without spending money on rituals. Here we will mention several of them, so that you can put them into practice.

1st type of love spell

The first one that we will present is a mooring so that your relationship lasts over time, preventing bad intentions from the environment and You must perform this mooring at least once a year so that your relationship does not wither.

For this you need:

  • a clay vase
  • A glass cup with crystal clear water
  • A dish
  • A white candle
  • daisy petals
  • Three orange blossoms.

The first thing to do is place the orange blossoms in the vase along with the daisy petals. Pour the water from the glass into the vase and cover the vase with the plate.

Next, light the candle, place it on top of the plate that covers the vase and recite the following words:

With the purity of the water that can clean everything, I drive away all the evil that wants to get closer to our lives.

While the candle is consumed, you should keep positive thoughts about you and your love. At this point I always recommend that you imagine your relationship, that you create in your head the «movie» of your life. You can read my recommendations in the article Love spells.

2nd type of love spell

The second of the spells or love spells, consists of using candles to make it effective.

For this you need:

  • a red candle
  • A sheet of paper
  • A few drops of fresh honey.

You write on the sheet your initials and those of the other person. In front of you you are going to place the lit candle and meanwhile, you think in detail about what you want. Take your time, imagine your relationship, your life… everything you want in as much detail as possible.

Place the drops of honey on his name and let it dry while the candle burns down.

When the honey dries, fold the sheet and place it under your pillow and blow out the candle. The paper must be at least five days in the same place. After that time, burn the paper and bury the ashes in a pot with live flowers.

3rd type of love spell

For our third spell, which is so that he only notices youit requires:

  • A photo of you and one of him
  • a red ribbon
  • A piece of aluminum foil
  • A glass or crystal glass with clean water. A

Now you must place one photo in front of the other (face to face) and then wrap them with the aluminum foil and tie them with the ribbon while reciting the following words:

Red-skinned ribu, I ask you to bring him surrendered to me, to fall prostrate at my feet next to his name.

Recite three Our Fathers and drink the water. Finally, you should save the joined photos in a place where no one can find it.

4th type of love spell

For the next spell, which is a nail powder binding, you require:

File your nails on a full moon night at midnight.

Store the powder in a small red velvet bag.

When you meet the person you want to tie, make them a drink, pour in a small amount of the nail powder and make sure they drink all of it.

This spell will make your love be by your side forever. It has a very strong effect, so it must be used with care.

In love moorings everything is worth

Perhaps in the world of spells anything goes and is possible, as is the case with the use of urine and sugar to make a person fall in love. For this you need a glass or container with a lid, the first urine of the day, a photo of the person to whom you will apply the spell and two tablespoons of refined sugar.

You must place the photo of the person in the container and then you must pour the urine into it, and the photo is completely submerged or impregnated with urine. Place the two tablespoons of sugar and cover securely. Take it to the garden and bury it where no one can find it.

underwear tie

To perform one of the oldest and most well-known spells, you must use one of your used panties, with it you will make a kind of broth. That is, you boil water with two tablespoons of sugar, one tablespoon of salt and pepper, together with the underwear. At night you should place it to rest on the window in the moonlight. The next day you put it in a container and the person for whom it is intended should ingest as much as possible. You can make him drink it by using the broth for a juice or a soup.

There are a large number of spells or moorings that you can use to attract your loved one. You can even use a lock of his hair, caught off guard. What will always be important is that you make your moorings convinced that this will happen and that you have faith above all things, because faith is the greatest energy that can move the human being and when it comes to love, nothing has boundaries. So be willing and surrender your hope.