Types of architecture: historicisms and uses

The types of architecture are defined thanks to their historical and use qualities. Throughout the years, architecture has exemplified the most important events of man and, therefore, testifies the characteristics of the thought of each era; Without architecture, there would be no physical references of the temporality of the human. Therefore, today architecture can be studied according to its styles, a consequence of historical trends, and for the usefulness of it, because it ceased to be sculptural and became habitable in its different needs.

Society has managed to impregnate its essence in the different buildings that it has erected, from prehistoric to contemporary, and thanks to them, We travel the types of architecture that every design lover must know.

The definition of architecture as a concept is essential to know its types.Clark van der Beken / Unspash.

What is architecture?

Before entering the Types of architectureit is necessary to outline the meaning of it. If studied by its etymology, the word architecture means “boss builder”, from Latin Architectūrawhich in turn derives from the Greek Architéctōn. Thus, it can be deduced that architecture is the action of building, but is the constructed enough to be defined as architecture? The same vitruvio frame said that Architecture must be functional, Firm and beautiful. Beauty is the common denominator with English theoretician John Ruskin, who in his treaty The seven lamps of architecture, He established that it must adhere to beauty, to truth, to sacrifice, to power, to life, to obedience and memory. Architecture is the «reflective creation of spaces»as defined by the architect Louis Kahn, famous for his exceptional work in modern architecture. The orthogonal architect, Carlos Scarpa, for his part, said that “architecture is a very difficult language to understand. The value of a work is its expression, when something is well expressed, its value becomes very high. ”

Therefore, architecture is more than building. It requires a variety of qualities, such as beauty, which although subjective, must respond to certain aesthetic parameters. It must also be functional according to its use, but not to set aside its habitability, which for many contemporary architects is the absolute basis. The architecture impacts users who live it, therefore it must be designed for them. The structure, materials, plasticity, the perception of heights, lighting and spatiality, among others, must work together, but above all, harmonious with the user. In addition, we must remember that Today's architecture will be the historical reference of tomorrow.