Tuti Vargas gives tips against the tusa, and Sebastián Yepes takes the hint!

The ex-vocalist from Sanalejo and the youtuber separated a month ago, but it seems that there is still fire in the ashes of their relationship.

There are many ways to deal with tusa. Some people go out partying, others get drunk with their friends, others embark on a journey of self-discovery… anyway! Everyone finds their way out of that emotional state. What does a youtuber do? Well, a video! Recently, Tuti Vargas, ex-wife of the ex-vocalist from Sanalejo, took advantage of her tusa to advise those who are going through the same thing as her, look…

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But the most impressive thing is not his tips, but your ex’s responseCould it be that he took the hint? Look…

“Here I am today, perhaps doing the exact opposite of what the world we live in now dictates. Closing cycles is natural, but forcing oneself to stop feeling unconditional love is going against the universe, this society has generated in us the need to feel the debt; It sows in us the fear of making mistakes and the fear of nothingness, and it is precisely in nothingness where everything is found.”

“You and I got married wishing this was for life, but what is it? This is not just that paper that we signed, or that photo that we took, it was the illusion of having left an indelible record in our souls, and in the souls of those who love us. It may be that in this small dimension in which we humans want to live, a rupture or an end can be seen between us, but for me, despite your physical absence, this is a rebirth in love, because nothing will erase what we were, the immense good we did to each other, and only that is what fits here. I still don’t know how to define my present, I don’t know if this is losing you to find me, losing myself to find you, or better yet, understanding that this gift of having met, loved and accompanied each other is something that transcends time and space. Here I am and also here in front of those who occupy a little of their beautiful lives to read me, I tell you that you have a direct line to my heart, that you can call me when you drown, because regardless of the physical space, or the quality of a possible new company that comes into our lives, I will never deny what I experienced by your side, because that makes me better today, and I know that you do too.” Sebastian wrote in the post.

They say that where there was fire, ashes remain, even when it comes to a divorce of a couple of celebrities, as is the case of the youtuber Tuti Vargas and the singer Sebastián Yepes. Could it be that his words indicate that there is still something there? The indirect and direct exchange of this pair has been reported by various national media and is already viral.

also vibrates with: Did they finish you? Get over the tusa like this…

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it! in your networks! It will be very helpful to your friends who are in full tusa.