Tuesday the 13th esoteric and spiritual meaning (or Friday the 13th)

Tuesday the 13th esoteric and spiritual meaning There is a confusion between Tuesday the 13th and Friday the 13th, but first let’s see what the number 13 represents, which is common in both cases, and the reasons for its negative connotation.

Catholics claim that 13 was the number of people present at the Last Supper (12 apostles and Jesus). And the thirteenth man who came, Judas, would have betrayed Christ.

Regarding the day of the week, Friday would have been the day of Christ’s crucifixion, plus the Flood also began on that day of the week.

However, Tuesday is also seen as a bad omen because it is the day of the week dedicated to Mars, the Roman god of war, and to the blood and violence that gave the red planet its name. Now let’s take a closer look


Tuesday 13 esoteric and spiritual meaning

Tuesday the 13th is associated with the evolution of each individual human being, but for society it can represent excessive agitation.

Once again, it’s about tuning in. We are what we think, we become what we believe, we live in what we create for ourselves. Cultivated and spread for centuries, these legends have created an entire spiritual and energetic complex around them, nourished and supported by the same minds that believe in their stories or that, although they do not know them, believe in these superstitions.

Thoughts and feelings are energy. Everything we think and feel generates vibrational changes in our energies, in our aura, in the environment that surrounds us. And the same thing happens when we express, even in silence, our beliefs, our fears, our superstitions, opinions, etc.

Beliefs, symbols, myths and legends cultivated for a long time and for many generations tend to create immense collective vibratory fields (holopensenes), formed by the mental and emotional emanations of all creatures that, in some way, are in tune and remain in tune with him their goals, principles or ideas.

Because they are very large and also very strong, fields like these can last for centuries or never die out if there is always someone willing to feed them their beliefs and ideas, changing the energies around them and tuning into those energies.

These huge fields are out there, suspended, floating above us. So, imagine the vibrating field referring to the unsuspecting «Tuesday the 13th.» How many and how many creatures have you been feeding? And how long ago? Based on what? Ancient legends? Or myths created by religious people who wanted nothing more than to drive people out of their original beliefs through fear in order to achieve more power?

How big is it today? And every Friday the 13th that appears on the calendar it becomes a little bigger, and stronger, fueled by superstitious people who insist on mechanically repeating the manias of their ancestors.

On Tuesday and the 13th, together or apart, in fact, they can’t do anything. They themselves have no power. They are harmless. The power is in those who believe they have power. Power, for better or worse, lies in the belief that they can create, generate, or do good or evil.

So, if someone believes that Tuesday the 13th brings or brings bad luck, they will connect to the respective already existing vibrant field, contaminating themselves with all the anguish, fear and terror stored there, attracting some of the «bad» energy towards themselves. That is there, thus being able to cause something «bad» in your life. It is not, therefore, Tuesday the 13th or Friday the 13th that brings bad luck, but the superstitious person who will pick you up every Friday the 13th, with your thoughts, your fear, your own anguish and mistrust.

Maybe you are interested in knowing Superstitions with the number 13

The problem is that there are so many people who adhere to the popular saying «I don’t believe in witches, but there are, there are», that every time a Tuesday the 13th appears, the atmosphere becomes heavier, due to the emanations of people that, «Just in case», they stay, looking for «signs» of bad luck, trying to get out of the cursed day unscathed. And then, it seems that the superstition has some foundation.


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