#Tricks to cheat hunger

How does one cheat hunger? It is not easy, but it is possible. Take note!

One of the number one enemies of dieting when first starting a new weight-loss regimen is terrible hunger that attacks us without mercy, making us send everything to hell with binge eating. Has it happened to you?

A diet designed in a personalized way by a nutritionist should contemplate the hunger you may feel, however many times this is caused more by anxiety than by a true need for food, that’s why We share some tricks to trick your appetiteThey will be very useful to you!

Effective tricks to cheat hunger

  • Drink a glass of water just before each meal: You will increase the feeling of fullness, so you will eat less.

  • Use toy tableware: A small plate will look fuller with the same amount of food, so you’re flattering the eye.
  • Go to bed early: Staying up late makes you hungry, because lack of sleep alters the ratio between the levels of hormones that control appetite as a defensive response of the body, which seeks to increase energy deposits.
  • Eating with small cutlery: If you eat with a teaspoon instead of a spoon, you will spend more time rushing the same amount of food, so your brain will believe that you ate more.
  • Chew gum: You will calm your anxiety and distract your hunger for a while by making a jaw movement similar to eating…

Eye, do not apply any of these tricks if you have a healthy weight, they could be harmful to your body. If you have questions or concerns, do not hesitate to consult a specialist, who will guide you about your best options to lose weight.

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Share these tricks to cheat hunger on your social networksit will be very useful to your friends and family who spend their time struggling with those extra kilos.

This week: 8 myths about slimming down and losing weight https://t.co/JfNMFwsddZ pic.twitter.com/6SwmHM9hZU

– Your heart Viiiiibra (@Vibra1049) April 30, 2016

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