Tricks to beat laziness that are easy and effective

They say that it is one of the seven deadly sins and, furthermore, the mother of all vices; that’s why we share some tricks to overcome laziness that will surely help you when you don’t want to do anything (but you must).

According to the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language, laziness is the decision to take a negligent attitude, with tedium or carelessness, in the things that we are forced to do. It also indicates that it is Synonym of laziness, carelessness or delay in actions or movements.

And it is that although being lazy is something very natural for human beings, it is not compatible with the pace of life that we lead today, when everything is expected to be ready at the speed of the internet. That is why helaziness must be foughtdespite the fact that in the world it is celebrated as a special day.

What is the history and what relationship does the Day of Sloth have in Itagüí?

The world sloth day exists and is celebrated every year on August 10. It has been commemorated since 1985 in order to carry out an annual symbolic act that reminds the world of the need to pause. What few people know is that this commemoration was born in Colombia, in the municipality of Itagüí.

Tips to beat laziness

It is nice to be lazy, but sometimes it arrives and settles in us at the least opportune moment, but the good thing is that we can combat it with effective tricks, such as the following tips:

  • Eliminate the distractions that you may have around you, because every time your brain disconnects from what you are doing, the threads of laziness begin to creep into your mind, so do not give them the opportunity to attack.
  • Start with the most difficult or time-consuming thing to do, that way your mind will be convinced that the but is over and you will not be lazy to continue because you will have very little left to finish and dedicate yourself to resting.

What to take for laziness?

Although it is always good to rely on the power of the mind to get us out of the thick fog of laziness, there are also some drinks that can give the body a little hand, such as the following (note, without abusing):

  • Coffee: Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that will help keep you alert.
  • Tea: Theine, like caffeine, stimulates your body.
  • Sugar water: Batteries, that sugar also helps stimulate the mind and body, so taking it at the right time can wake you up, however, you must be careful, because its excess is harmful to health.
  • Energy drinks: Be careful, these types of products can be very effective, but they should be taken with caution, as some people could cause tachycardia and other side effects (if consumed more often than recommended).

Home remedies to get rid of laziness

Just as there are foods that lower our spirits, there are also others that raise our spirits, so include in your diet those that provide you with the energy you need to avoid falling into laziness, such as these:

  • Oatmeal
  • Pasta
  • Chocolate
  • Lentils
  • dairy in general
  • Animal protein such as fish, meat and poultry

Exercises to get rid of laziness

Finally, the following physical activities require concentration and force you to maintain some kind of body tension:

What do you think? Do you think that laziness is necessary or is it something that we should eradicate from our behavior? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks! Your friends and lazy friends will be very helpful.