Triangles spiritual and esoteric meaning (symbolism of the triangle)

Triangles spiritual meaning The triangle is one of the simplest geometric symbols that exist. However, it is a figure that has many meanings.

Let’s see, next, everything related to triangles spiritual, esoteric meaning and its symbolism.


In the world of esotericism

Esoteric schools associate the triangle as the divine trinity, through it, which has totally equal sides, we can see the expression of perfection and harmony.

In short, it is a symbol of the sum, which shows that two elements that are complementary can give rise to a third element, just as it happens in the sum of life and death, which always gives rise to human evolution. Or, for example, light and darkness, which give rise to knowledge.

The three sides of the triangle have a strong mystical meaning in different religions and it is also a very common symbol to represent certain elements.

By having three equal parts, it reveals what is in total harmony, balance, perfection. Some say that triangular shapes are better able to capture the energies of the universe because they are in harmony with the whole.

The symbols of the four elements of nature, air, earth, water and fire, are represented by triangles and an additional line representing that element is added to them. It is the perfect balance of mother nature.


in the spirit world

The spiritual meaning of the triangle varies across religions and cultures, but in general they are symbols of divinity and perfection.
Let’s see triangles spiritual meaning in different religions and cultures

Among the main aspects related to the triangle in the spiritual is the Holy Trinity, from Christian culture. The three ends of the triangle, in this case, is the symbolic representation of God the Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit. In fact, they are different beings, but in essence, they are one.

But it also has other symbolisms in the Egyptian, Hindu, Babylonian cultures, etc.

In Hinduism, the triangle represents the three deities Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. In Egypt, Isis, Osiris and Horus. In spiritualism, it is the representation of Des with the material and spiritual principles.

For the Celtic culture, the triangle is a representation of Mother Earth through her aspects of Virgin, Mother and Elder.


Types of triangles and their meaning

Triangles Spiritual Meaning: Equilateral Up

With three equal sides, it represents the masculine and the fire element for many ancient peoples, such as the practitioners of alchemy. For the Hittite people, it symbolized health and well-being, as well as being related to the Sun and fertility. For the Mayans, it represented the sacred mountain in the art of the peoples.


Triangles Spiritual Meaning: Equilateral Down

As a symbol of women, it represented the female genital organ in ancient India, Greece and Rome. She also symbolized the element of water.


Triangles spiritual meaning: Masonic triangle


The Masonic triangle symbolizes spiritual development and maturity. Its base signifies duration and its sides represent light and darkness. It also symbolizes faith, hope and charity.

For this secret society, the triangles have the following meaning:

The right triangle: symbolizes the element of water;
Isosceles triangle (two equal sides): symbolizes the fire element;
Scalene triangle (three different sides): symbolizes the air element.


The triangle in alchemy

In alchemy, the four elements are represented by equilateral triangles (with three equal sides):

The triangle that points upwards: symbolizes fire;
Triangle pointing up and cut by a horizontal line: symbolizes the air;
The downward pointing triangle symbolizes water;
The downward-pointing triangle that is cut by a horizontal line: symbolizes the earth.

Thus, the four symbols of the elements are combined in the Pentagram, a powerful symbol of Alchemy.

Triangular base with base This union of triangles represents the waxing and waning of the Moon.

Pointed Triangle Pointed When two triangles were placed side by side, they symbolized masculine and feminine, Earth and Heaven when they touched.


Symbolism of the triangle in Egyptian, Nordic and Greek culture

The triangle was often used in constructions, mathematical methods or even applied to spiritual problems, representing ethics and accuracy, as the key to science and wisdom to solve the mysteries of life.

The Egyptian pyramids had the triangle as a base, being designed from this drawing. They were a symbol of ascension, of elevation, of connection with the divine.

Another finding of the triangle is in the composition of the Norse figure called Valknut, which dates back to the Viking Age. This symbol represents death and refers to the god Odin.

The letter delta of the Greek alphabet is represented as a triangle and is used in many mathematical calculations. It symbolizes the four elements, as well as representing totality and perfection.


triangle tattoo

As a sacred symbol, the triangle is present in various tattoos, both male and female.

It can be associated with the number three or with some important triad for the person. Possibly it is related to some element represented by alchemy.

In some tattoos, it is mixed with geometric and mystical designs or even landscapes.

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