Travis Barker, the places he toured on the CDMX

Travis Barker, Tom Delonge and Mark Hoppus Not only were they part of the adolescence of millions of millennials (and the occasional one), but they have written their own page in the world of the page thanks to Blink-182. This year the band's visit was expected to give a series of showsafter having postponed their concerts in 2023.

However, acute bronchitis caused Hoppus to continue with the tour and canceled two of the three concerts scheduled for the CDMX. However, Both Tom Delonge and Travis Barker took that time to rest, But the drummer took the streets of the city to meet her and, why not, live with his fans. So if you ever sing to every lung «All The Small Things«,»Miss You» either «The Rock Show”, You must travel the same spaces as Kourtney Kardashian's husband to enjoy as who was an idol of millennials.

The pyramids are protected to prevent visitors from rising to them.

Rubén Hanssen / Unspash.


Travis Barker visited, like almost all tourists, the archaeological zone of Teotihuacán. It is located on the outskirts of the CDMX, in the State of Mexico. The name means «place where the gods were made» or, «City of the gods.» It is estimated that it was one of the largest cities of Mesoamerica during the pre -Hispanic era. In this place is the pyramid of the Sun and that of the Moon, which were synonyms of sacred enclosures. At present, people cannot climb to vestiges to protect them from wear.

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Qūentin Café

The frequent customers of this cafeteria located in the Condesa Hipódromo neighborhood, say that one of the most outstanding details is music. So we do not doubt that Travis Barker has felt attracted to that characteristic. The space is open for diners to observe how they perform their drinks in the bar. But there are also tables with stools on the wall to work or simply talk with companions.