Transparent eyelash, 10 uses that you did not know

Maybe the first mascara you had as a teenager was the transparent eyelash; if you stopped using it growing up, you need to check this out!

Perhaps the cosmetic most used by women is mascara or mascara, a tool that with a single application can transform our face in seconds. For those of us who decide to look a little more natural and highlight the features of our eyes, there is the option of the colorless eyelash, knows all its uses.

What does the transparent eyelash do?

You did not know or you had done it without realizing it, the fact is that the transparent mascara for eyelashes It can save us on more than one occasion.

1.Natural look

As it does not add color, this product is ideal for obtaining a natural and innocent look. Complement it with shadows and lipstick in nude tones.

2. Lower lashes

Apply this product to the lashes of the lower eyelids to avoid the panda effect, that is, dark circles under the eyes caused by makeup.

3. Prime

Although there is a primer for eyelashes on the market, which is generally white, you can also use this mascara to give volume to your eyelashes before the lash you normally use.

4. Eyebrows

The brow hairs can get unruly at times; solve this problem by combing them, they will be perfect all day.

5. False

Although there are lashes for false eyelashes or the famous extensions on the market, many girls use the transparent one to comb them, yes, washable.

6. Fixer

To set your eyeliner, apply this product over your makeup with a clean brush, which you should wash immediately. Your eyeliner won’t smudge all day.

7. Retouch

Instead of putting on black mascara again after several hours of having put on makeup, apply the transparent one, a subtle touch-up that does not make your lashes heavy.

8. Separate them

After applying your favorite lash brand and letting it dry, you can apply a layer of this product to separate and comb the lashes and add shine to the look.

9. Treatments

It is ideal for applying natural treatments and home remedies to your eyelashes.

10. Hair tamer

If when you comb your hair there are some standing hairs on the crown, this mascara is an excellent way to placate them; take the brush and comb them along your hairline.

What does the transparent eyelash do?

Like the normal color lash, it gives volume to your eyelashes, it also makes them look thicker and more populated, so it gives a feeling of spaciousness in your eyes. The transparent lash also allows your look to be more natural.

How to use transparent mascara?

After the preparation and cleaning before applying makeup, take a little lash with the brush, distribute it on the body of the brush so that its application is uniform, then from back to front, start the application, separating your lashes and outlining the shape. of your eyelashes, always ending with a small pull upwards.

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With information from popsugar