Traffic light: a system to eat better

A recent study scientifically proved that the food traffic light system makes people eat better.

If you are one of those who spend time looking at the calories of each product you buy, while mentally thinking about whether there are too many or too few for your diet, you will have felt the frustration of finding foods that do not bring that information, especially those raw or served on a plate.

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When you find yourself in the situation of not knowing how many calories a food gives you, what do you do? Do you eat it with your eyes closed? The traffic light system is very famous, but if you had doubts about its effectiveness, we tell you that it is scientifically proven: it works.

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According to the study, carried out by Carnegie Mellon University (Pennsylvania, USA), knowing the number of calories in the food they eat makes them eat healthier; Also, use a visual system, such as a traffic light, to indicate which healthy foods to eat more and which less, is also very usefulespecially when the number of calories is not available.

For consumers, traffic light labels can essentially communicate ‘eat this and not this’, regardless of their understanding of nutrients or their ability to use the underlying numerical informationthe researchers wrote in the newspaper Public Policy & Marketing.

How does this traffic light work? Easy. Red traffic light for sugars, fried foods, fast foods, etc.; yellow traffic light for meat, flour, carbohydrates, etc.; green traffic light for fruits, vegetables, low-fat cheeses, etc.

Do you think that the traffic light system can be useful to some of your friends? Share this note with them, they will surely thank you!