Toxic employees: what they are like and what profiles they have – Online Psychologists

A company is made up of people who usually spend a lot of time together. When you spend hours and hours sitting next to another person, it is not unusual for emotional ties to begin to develop, both positive and negative. And although the saying goes that familiarity breeds affection, the truth is that, sometimes, it also creates conflicts. Especially when the toxic employees.

What are toxic employees like?

When we talk about toxic employees we refer to those people who They create a bad working environmentWherever they go, arguments, rumors, jealousy and general discontent arise. Their mere presence puts the balance of the company at risk.

Much has been said about toxic bosses who, with their abuse and bad practices, make employees suffer. However, there are also employees whose behavior negatively influences the company and the well-being of all who work in it.

Of course, the fact that there are one or more toxic employees in the workplace is a sign of a lack of trust.astra performance and productivity of all other employees.

If you've been in this situation, you may have wondered why your boss doesn't give you a warning. The answer? Toxic employees are usually manipulative peoplethose who put on a good face in front of the authorities to avoid getting into trouble. It is difficult to catch them off guard, because they usually do not go in front of you and do everything behind your back.

However, there are some characteristics that can help you detect a toxic employee.

Some characteristics of toxic employees

  • They are never satisfied with the decisions that are made: They are usually negative people, very critical of everything that happens within the company. However, they do not usually give a feedback constructive to those who don't like it, They just complain, instead of helping things to go better.And, whatever their working conditions, they tend to be quite unhappy with their jobs. In other words, they are unable to see the good things about the company and only focus on the negative.
  • They are not motivated: they tend to be people lazywithout desire to work. If they can distract others, they will do so, although it is very likely that in front of their bosses they will pretend to work. They always have excuses for not doing something and it is not unusual for others to end up doing the work they do not want to do.
  • They do not show respect towards other colleagues: Bad manners are their hallmark. As a rule, they are egotistical people who believe themselves to be above others and, therefore, they disrespect everything that belongs to others. That is why they spread rumors, interrupt whoever is speaking and even make disparaging comments about their classmates. Sometimes they even encourage bullying. workplace bullying and cause the rest of the employees to face the work day with displeasure.
  • They are irresponsible: Their lack of motivation makes finishing tasks a world for them. For this very reason, they find it difficult to assume responsibility. They will rarely be in charge of a team. And you can be sure that if they do something wrong, They will never take the blame.
  • They generate conflicts: They usually have little tolerance for frustration and cannot stand it when others disagree with them. If things do not go as expected, they may explode and attack anyone who crosses their path. This happens because they tend to be very emotionally immature, unable to manage what they feel.

Sharing your workday with toxic employees can seriously affect your emotional health. If going to work and meeting these colleagues causes you stress or anxiety, perhaps it is time to put your emotional health in the hands of an online psychologist.

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These are their most common profiles

Narcissists are people who hold themselves in very high regard and, as a result, they look down on others for not being them.

In the workplace, he always tries to be above others. When a colleague achieves something, he remembers the last client he retained, or he thinks that the other colleague's success is not that great.

He is, in short, the kind of person that lfight to have the leading role at all times. He usually does his job well, but his behavior poisons the work environment.

Envy is one of the worst plagues in work environments and these types of toxic employees are experts at creating it.

These are people who They are rarely happy with the recognition they receive. and who would like to have everything that others have achieved. He is an expert at talking about others behind their backs and creating quarrels among his colleagues.

In addition to being toxic, whiners are often used with great difficulty. little desire to workThey are the kind of people who feel overwhelmed before they even start working and make sure everyone knows it.

Some behave this way because they expect someone to offer to help them so they can load their work onto someone else. Others complain systematically and, although they do their job correctly, they make sure to add a touch of negativity day to day.

The hyper-responsible person is usually a person unable to work as a team. He does not delegate, because he does not trust that others can do it well. In addition, he never communicates problems, thus preventing them from being solved before they become known.

And, if that were not enough, it is usually a person who She is always overwhelmed and who manages to stress others out with his frenetic behavior.

These employees are the traditional ones irresponsibleThey never get their part of the work done, they never meet the agreed deadline, they never inform clients of any new developments…

As a general rule Their behavior ends up weighing down otherswho have to pay the price, either because the team's projects never come to fruition, or because they have to work twice as hard to make up for their irresponsibility.

Perhaps the worst toxic employees you can meet, because the fights They accompany troubled workers wherever they go.

Any topic is a reason for discussionfrom a client's bill to a tennis match they saw on television yesterday. These are people who brood for hours over any minor inconvenience and who exude resentment and bad vibes.

If you have to deal with any of these profiles in your workplace, it is possible that your mental health will be visibly affected. Luckily, Going to therapy could be the solution to your work problems.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First session free by clicking the button below.