Tough lady? Get to know her and don’t fall in love with one of them

Between so many romantic warnings of the type of don’t fall in love with a girl who reads and don’t fall in love with a girl who writes, she is definitely a difficult woman.

“To begin with, falling in love with her is believed to be impossible”, recounts an anonymous woman, and tells why men should avoid at all costs noticing a difficult woman.

His reasons are:

1. It is wandering, unknown, changing: “They will not know how to describe it for sure, just a matter of common adjectives. The woman who plays hard to get mutates, changes, leaves, walks away, comes back, repents”.

2. They don’t make her fall in love with roses, chocolates or stuffed animals: “The woman who plays hard to get knows ‘the game’ of romance through and through: she knows when to call, she knows when to hang up, and just when you think you’ve got a big head start on hearing her say she misses you, she’ll vanish before your eyes.»

3. It is incomprehensible: There are no easy ways to understand her, “it will be as if she speaks to you in Romance languages ​​and you humbly answer with an ‘OK’”.

4. He is terribly disappointed: «He is disappointed because he longs for romance, nostalgia and, above all, chivalry.»

5. She has a huge heart and that’s why she plays hard to get: “Protect that beautiful glass figurine from any sweaty-handed jerks that could cause tragedy. That is why it is cold, hard, distant and different”.

6. She is beautiful, but a part of her inside denies it when looking in the mirror: «they will never rest until they are indisputably more attractive than that prostitute or famous actress in an advertisement that you may meet on your way home.»

7. Lies, cheats, pretends, disguises and «the only way to know what is really on his mind is to look into his eyes.»

8. She is hated, disowned, criticized: “People don’t seem to understand her, love her; instead, she is quite envied.”

9. Does not believe in love; he believes in romanticism, in passion and drama. “Difficult women love like this: stubbornly, painfully, and capriciously; but never forever. No no no».

10. He is unfaithful by nature: “they love you, they miss someone else, they cry for the one they don’t conquer immediately, they suffer for the one who left and left them behind years ago, and the only person they love is themselves”.

Difficult women to conquer

Everyone can have a certain degree of resistance to love, however it is natural for human beings to relate to each other and make decisions together. So is there a way to romance girls who seem to be difficult?

At the end of the day, women who play tough aren’t as tough as they seem. There is a way to reach her heart: think of her, miss her, dream of her, write to her. I don’t guarantee that she will love you, I don’t guarantee that she won’t reject you; but rest assured that she, just as she likes to read every rainy afternoon, «will appreciate your simple courage to love her,» said Belelu.

What can I do to conquer a difficult woman?

The key will always be in understanding the counterpart, listening to them and knowing why they react to certain attitudes.

Font: the pulse

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