The renowned member of the group ChocQuibTown, ‘Tostao’ and the actor Aco Pérez starred in discussion in MasterChef for the evaluation of their dishes. The temperature in the kitchen has risen!
Although two episodes of the popular reality show have been broadcast so far, which last season caused all kinds of reactions and comments due to the constant friction between some participants such as Liss Pereira and Carla Giraldo, it seems to be taking the same course again, because during This Tuesday’s episode was a rather uncomfortable moment for both chefs and viewers, as a result of what some considered an «injustice». What happened?
‘Tostao’ and the actor Aco Pérez starred in discussion in MasterChef for an alleged injustice
After finding out which was the first group of celebrities that would go to the elimination challenge (Aco Pérez, Carlos Baez, Aída Morales and Natalia Ramírez) the chefs had to face each other in a new group test in which those who would evaluate their preparations would be their colleagues black apron and the participants who had previously managed to obtain the immunity pin (Manuela González, Isabella Santiago, Jair Romero and Sebastián ‘Tatán’ Mejía).
After trying each preparation and knowing specifically which hands were behind the work, the chefs were about to deliver their verdicts, however, just before making their decision known, the singer of the group ChocQuibTown, ‘Tostao’, interrupted his words to express their disagreement with the way they were evaluated, because they did not expect the «jurors» to know who had made each dish.
This of course generated a moment of tension, but everything got much worse once the chefs revealed that those who would go to elimination would be the celebrities of the green team, which included Cristina Cmpuzano, Corozo, Martín Karpan, Luis Eduardo Arango and of course , ‘Toast’.
“What the colleagues are doing is playing against slightly weaker chefs for some reason because we have been working on it for a week and they are not objectively qualifying the dishes as the chefs here said. It would have been a good game if they didn’t know who each preparation corresponded to. That so that they keep it in mind for the next time, tomorrow we will face each other «
The jury defended itself against ‘Tostao’
Before his strong words, the actor Aco Pérez, one of the celebrities who rated the dishes, assured that at no time was it something personal, because that was his verdict because his group had been the only one to deliver raw proteins.
Immediately the Chocoano replied saying: «You already come with that attitude and that’s why one knew a while ago»which the actor replied: «What attitude?»so Tostao concluded: “You won’t notice, don’t worry. We will face each other tomorrow.»
Of course, the reactions of the chefs were completely surprising, since neither they nor the jury expected a similar reaction. Even Frank assured that the singer could become the new «Carla Giraldo» of the program.
Finally, the Chocoano reaffirmed: “This is not a ‘parlería’ contest, let’s cook” before which Claudia indicated that it was enough. Later, Manuela Gonález tried to calm her down by stating that together they had been completely objective, highlighting the best and the not so good of each dish.
Here is the moment of discussion:
And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!