Top of the best boyfriends according to your zodiac sign

When you are in a relationship, it is normal that you want to have everything under control and that it be perfect, and if you have just started a relationship, you even investigate the zodiac sign of your boy to know if they are compatible or not.

That is why we decided to share this information that we found in In couplebecause they help us describe what your boyfriend is like according to his zodiac sign.

The best boyfriends of the zodiac sign from the most to the least


Men born under this sign are mysterious, intelligent and have oratory as their main ally. They are also charismatic and charming, but at the same time complicated.

They are the most loyal, considerate and above all passionate sign. Once someone enters her heart, they find respect, love and honesty by her side.


Despite being double-faced and highly changeable, they are true gentlemen. They have the quality that they listen and attend to the needs of the woman they love.

He strives never to let her down or let her down. In case she thinks that she is the right person, she will do her best to keep you close to her.


They are one of the most romantic men in the zodiac, apart from the fact that they are peaceful and always avoid conflict. This is one of the signs that do not get too involved in a fight, they do not try to emerge victorious from it, but instead try to reach agreements where both benefit.

They give unconditional love and fun. They love to share their stuff and find someone to share their life with.


Despite the fact that these men always strive to excel in everything they do, they are dominant and look for people who share this same characteristic.

They love to work for the relationship and that they spend time with them. Once a person has managed to break all the barriers and enter his heart, they meet a noble, tender and thoughtful Aries.


Men born under this sign are quite discreet and extremely passionate. When it comes to making decisions, they always give priority to their feelings, which leads them to love unconditionally.

They are also very materialistic and show their love with expensive gifts and details.

6 – LEO

The boys of this sign are very vain and egotistical, but they are also inveterate romantics, they are one hundred percent sure that love exists and they seek to have special relationships.

They always look for women of strong character because their leading side demands it of them. When they are in a relationship they are loyal and trustworthy, but also rude at times.


Although men born under this sign find it difficult to commit, when they want to conquer a woman they are quite funny and do it with good humor. However, they are not the best couple in the world because they always want to be right.

They do not allow their partner to contradict them, so having communication with them is quite a challenge. You must increase your patience and be willing to compromise on some things.


Men born under this sign love strong emotions, adventures and freedom, however, with their own enemy when it comes to having a partner, since they like to make all the decisions and are a bit controlling and demanding.

They love being the center of attention in the relationship and if they don’t get it, they feel desperate.


They are usually quite romantic, but it is their very feeling that makes expectations very high, they always want to be the best. However, they give more importance to their social and professional life.

So you have to work hard to achieve balance in all areas of your life.

10 – VIRGO

The men of this sign are characterized by being the most perfectionist of the zodiac, that is why they are always demanding a lot from themselves and their partner, they are almost never satisfied.

Besides, they are one of the most jealous signs of the zodiac, they have a strong temperament and you have to deal with it. They always want to control everything and do not let go of the past, a situation that causes many conflicts.


They are the most romantic, stubborn and possessive of the zodiac, apart from that they have a hard time committing. They focus their attention on their career and family, putting the heart in the background.

He could not be the perfect boyfriend, but surely he will want to be next to the person he loves always.


Men born under this sign are distinguished by being the most imaginative of the zodiac, they are too sensitive, however, they tend to see their partner as a partner, someone who helps them solve all their problems and situations.

It’s not that they are the worst boyfriend on the planet, but they always choose people who are not compatible with their personality and who somehow do not fit with their personality.