Top 39 Dogs for Apartments with Pictures [2024] –

Some dog breeds are also suitable for keeping in apartments. Typically, these dogs are slightly smaller, calmer and less energetic.

But there are also large dogs that are suitable for small apartments. Unfortunately, large, active breeds cannot be house trained. Genetics are crucial for this.

Here is an overview of the top 5 apartment dogs depending on the category:

  1. Small dog: Maltese
  2. Medium-sized dog: Wolfspitz
  3. Large Dog: Greyhound
  4. Calm Dog: Basenji
  5. Non-shedding dog: Coton de Tuléar

Below is a list of the top 39 dogs for apartments. You will also receive information about the breed, its character traits and its special features.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Pomeranian

The Pomeranian is available in 23 different coat colors. This breed of dog has no hunting instinct, sheds moderately and is therefore an ideal dog for apartments. [2]

The animals only partially tolerate clumsy behavior from children. They can also get injured easily and are therefore recommended for older children.

They are ideal for apartments, but tend to bark constantly. If the animals are not trained, they easily become stubborn. Otherwise they are fairly easy to train.

Sometimes they react aggressively towards other dogs. They also have a hard time staying alone. Because this four-legged friend enjoys the attention.

Fun fact: The last will be the first! Because of all dog breeds, the Pomeranian is the last in the alphabet.

#2 Bichon Frize

The Bichon Frisé is often afraid of water. The dog used to be used in the circus. Today he is the ideal dog for apartments. Because he is also very trusting towards the family.

The animals also get along well with other dogs and children. They are also good dogs for traveling and are sometimes described as hypoallergenic. [3]

Their fur is so soft that it is often referred to as cotton. Their life expectancy is up to 15 years. Sometimes even up to 21 years.

Their homeland is Spain, Belgium and France. However, the name comes from French. “Bichon” means something like “small dog” in German.

Fun fact: Here you have found the right partner for soft cuddling. The fur of these dogs is so soft that it is often referred to as “cotton”.

#3 American Cocker Spaniel

The American Cocker Spaniel often gets ear infections. He also sometimes pees when he is very nervous with joy. Nevertheless, he is an apartment dog.

The long-haired dogs tend to bark constantly. However, they are very trainable. Another advantage is that they only shed moderately.

The character is characterized by her sociability. But he is often a bit nervous around people without socialization. Otherwise he is very open and relaxed.

According to studies, this is the first breed of dog that can sniff out cancer with great success. After all, they are also very intelligent animals. [4]

Fun fact: This four-legged friend has to be careful not to step on his ear, because when they are young they are often even longer than their legs.

#4 French Bulldog

The French Bulldog is a rather cozy apartment dog. Their hunting instinct is only weak and they don't bark particularly much. They are also patient.

But this four-legged friend also has opposite characteristics. For example, that he has athleticism and liveliness within him. He needs a moderate amount of exercise.

This breed of dog is often unable to reproduce independently. They are also relatively calm dogs. But they can also be stubborn. [5]

According to surveys, this dog is one of the cutest dogs in the world. No question. That's what they look like too. Because their ears are similar in size to those of bats.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends repeat everything that makes you laugh. A strategy worth mentioning when learning new tricks.

#5 Russkiy Toy

The Russkiy Toy is an active apartment dog. He is moderately trainable, but unfortunately barks quite a lot. He also needs a lot of exercise and is lively.

This breed of dog can be found with both short and long hair. They were originally bred to get rid of rats and serve as guard dogs. [6]

The animals need very little sleep and are generally very adaptable. You also get along well with children. Even strange dogs are no problem.

The four-legged friends are not only suitable for apartments, but also for apartments. They also develop a very close bond with the family. They are loyal too.

Fun fact: Small but mighty. This four-legged friend protects his master at all costs, regardless of his small size.

#6 Greyhound

Despite its size, the Greyhound requires little space and is therefore also a dog for small apartments. The garden fence should be at least 1.8 m high.

The animals are among the largest greyhounds. When running, they are in the air 75% of the time. Unfortunately, due to their anatomy, they cannot sit. [7]

But you see 270° around you. They are the only breed of dog mentioned in the Bible. Another advantage is that they shed little and are easy to train.

However, due to their thin fur, they need a coat in winter. Otherwise the animals can freeze quickly. And be careful! Hunting mode is triggered quickly here.

Fun fact: Here we have a rare example of the “70 km/h couch potato”. This four-legged friend runs incredibly fast, but at least just as quickly he ends up relaxing on the sofa.

#7 Japan Chin

The Japanese Chin is an apartment dog. He is primarily a lap and companion dog and was bred to entertain his master. He is also very loving.

He is also used as a therapy dog. In general, however, he is often reserved with strangers. He is well suited for first-time owners because he is loving and very loyal.

The life expectancy of toy dogs is up to 15 years. The behavior is similar to that of cats. They are alert, independent and lick their paws.

Unfortunately, they do not cope well with heat. But they love to seek some peace and quiet on high objects. Because they also have a good balance. [8]

Fun fact: Even if the name suggests it, this dog does not come from Japan. China is his homeland.

#8 Bedlington Terriers

The Bedlington Terrier. He is an apartment dog who can be a bit stubborn at times. However, his fur is considered hypoallergenic because he hardly sheds anything.

These four-legged friends can bark very quickly. There is even a comparison on Wikipedia comparing them to a submachine gun.[9]

They were originally bred as a hunting dog breed. They are ideal for first-time owners and also suitable for apartments as they are also highly trainable.

In the past they were also sometimes used for dog fighting, although they are very good-natured, cheerful and trusting. However, their hunting instinct is strong.

Fun fact: These four-legged friends got their nickname “England’s sheep” because of their fur. So if you would like to pet a sheep, this dog comes very close.

#9 Pug

The pug is an apartment dog with no hunting instinct. He often follows his master wherever he goes. He also gets along well with children and strange dogs.

This four-legged friend tends to be overweight. However, he also sleeps up to 14 hours a day. He gets along very poorly with heat and cold. That's why he's charming. [10]

He has a particularly large number of wrinkles, which used to keep blood out of his eyes during battle. But he was actually bred and kept primarily as a lap dog.

The breed is now one of the 30 most popular dogs in the world. Unfortunately, despite their size, they shed an abnormal amount of hair. What's amusing is that they sometimes sneeze backwards.

Fun fact: Here we have another record holder. The pug named “Snookie” lived to be almost 28 years old, making him the fourth oldest dog in the world.

#10 Maltese

The Maltese sheds very little and is the perfect apartment dog. He was bred as a lap dog. He is also ideal for first-time owners or as a therapy dog.

It is the 37th most popular dog breed in the world. Finally, he is highly trainable and friendly. However, he has a hard time staying alone.

Despite the long coat, this breed of dog often gets sunburnt. But they don't do well in the cold either. Because they get chills more often.

When fully grown they only weigh around 2 kg. They also live up to 15 years. During this time they only have one to a maximum of three small puppies. [11]

Fun fact: I want and I will! This four-legged friend also often dares to make one or two jumps that go beyond his jumping strength.

#11 Griffon Bruxellois

The Griffon Bruxellois needs a lot of exercise. Nevertheless, he is an apartment dog. But be careful! His hunting instinct is strong.

The number of these dogs decreased significantly during the First and Second World Wars. The four-legged friends don't get along particularly well with heat and cold.

But they are particularly trusting and very trusting towards the family. But they are also friendly, loyal and curious towards children. [12]

However, they are also a little selfish. Paradoxically, her neutral facial expression seems somewhat stern. But they are also very picky about food.

Fun fact: This dog literally follows fashion. It was only when beards became fashionable again for men that demand for this breed suddenly increased again.

#12 American Toy Terrier

The American Toy Terrier gets along very well with children. He is also the ideal dog for apartments. But because of its size, it is less suitable for other pets.

The reason for this is that its hunting instinct is very strong. He therefore rarely tolerates rats, hamsters and rabbits. Otherwise he is very playful and sweet.

The homeland of these four-legged friends is the USA. They were often circus dogs and love attention. They also have a healthy sense of humor. [13]

They love to make their owners laugh. They can do this with just their cute bat ears. They are also intelligent and spiritual.

Fun fact: Not only a winter coat, but also a summer coat is necessary here. The fur of these dogs is so poor insulator that they need a coat even on cold summer days.

#13 Basenji

The Basenji comes from Central Africa. It is also known as the “African Barkless Dog” because the dogs cannot bark. And by nature. They're more likely to yodel.

It is the only breed of dog in the world that cannot bark. They are excellent hunting dogs. They are also ideal dogs for apartments. [14]

They are also considered fairly odor-free as they…