Top 30 Largest German Shepherd Breeds | With pictures [2024] –

German Shepherd breeds come in all sizes and colors. Below you will learn about the 30 largest German Shepherds in the world:

  • #1 Pyrenean Mountain Dog: 65 – 74 cm
  • #2 Anatolian Shepherd Dog: 71 – 79 cm
  • #3 Mastín del Pirineo: 72 – 75 cm
  • #4 Komondor: 64 – 69 cm
  • #5 Kuvasz: 65 – 70 cm
  • #6 Caucasian Ovcharka: 67 – 70 cm
  • #7 Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin: 59 – 67 cm
  • #8 Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog: 60 – 68 cm
  • #9 Eastern European Shepherd Dog: 62 – 68 cm
  • #10 Beauceron: 64 – 66 cm
  • #11 Bouvier des Flandres: 59 – 65 cm
  • #12 Central Asian Ovcharka: 60 – 69 cm
  • #13 Berger Blanc Suisse: 55 – 61 cm
  • #14 Groenendael: 56 – 62 cm
  • #15 Laekenois: 56 – 62 cm
  • #16 Malinois: 56 – 61 cm
  • #17 Tervueren: 56 – 62 cm
  • #18 South Russian Ovcharka: 62 – 66 cm
  • #19 Berger de Picardie: 55 – 60 cm
  • #20 German Shepherd: 55 – 60 cm
  • #21 Bergamasque Shepherd Dog: 54 – 58 cm
  • #22 Hollandse Herdershond: 55 – 60 cm
  • #23 Basque Shepherd Dog: 46 – 59 cm
  • #24 Canaan Dog: 48 – 58 cm
  • #25 Bobtail: 51 – 56 cm
  • #26 Long-haired collie: 51 – 56 cm
  • #27 Koolie: 40 – 60 cm
  • #28 Siberian Husky: 50 – 56 cm
  • #29 Australian Shepherd: 46 – 54 cm
  • #30 English Shepherd: 46 – 58 cm

What is meant here is the height at the withers of female specimens. Because male dogs are often up to 10% larger than female dogs.

At the end there is also a list of all German Shepherd breeds sorted by size.

>> Our top recommendations

#1 Pyrenean Mountain Dog: 65 – 74 cm

The Pyrenean mountain dog comes from France and is mainly kept as a guard and shepherd dog for herd animals. [1]

However, this large German Shepherd breed is not suitable for beginners. Its high weight combined with its strong hunting instinct only belongs in the hands of experienced dog owners.

Furthermore, the Pyrenean Mountain Dog can appear reserved or protective towards strangers and needs good socialization at an early stage.

Fun fact: The breed's unpopularity may be due to the fact that it is both nocturnal and barks a lot. A rather less good combination!

#2 Anatolian Shepherd Dog: 71 – 79 cm

The Anatolian Shepherd Dog originally comes from Turkey and was used to guard, herd and herd farm animals. [2]

Although this large German Shepherd is very loyal, his independent and dominant nature means he is not suitable as a family dog.

Care should also be taken when handling this dog, as it is incredibly powerful and is said to have the strongest bite of any dog ​​breed.

Fun fact: If you care about your garden, you should stay away from the Kangal, as the sheepdog is called in its country of origin. It tends to dig huge holes and then cool down in the cold earth.

#3 Mastín del Pirineo: 72 – 75 cm

These four-legged friends originate in Spain and can reach a shoulder height of up to 75 cm. [3]

The large sheepdogs are kept to protect herd animals and develop a strong protective instinct.

Furthermore, the Mastín del Pirineo is considered friendly, extremely independent and demands relatively little attention from its two-legged friends.

Fun fact: Although these dogs grow up physically quite quickly, they do not reach full mental maturity until they are 3 years old. At a young age, the dog will exhibit puppy-like behavior despite its considerable size.

#4 Komondor: 64 – 69 cm

The Komondor originally comes from Hungary and is known in this country as the Hungarian and long-haired sheepdog.

A special feature of this breed is their fur. They have the heaviest fur of all dog breeds and naturally develop 20-27 cm long dreadlocks. [4]

With strict management, these dogs are also suitable as loving family dogs. However, without good training, dogs tend to behave aggressively and territorially.

Fun fact: Due to the special fur structure, the fur of these large German Shepherds takes an average of 2.5 days to dry.

#5 Kuvasz: 65 – 70 cm

The Kuvasz is also a Hungarian white German Shepherd breed. The four-legged friends are also kept as guard, war and hunting dogs. [5]

After the Second World War, this breed almost completely died out. There are said to have been only 12 to 30 living specimens left at that time.

The large German Shepherds are looking for family connections and should not be chained or kept in a kennel. However, Kuvasz is skeptical of strangers.

Fun fact: Originally this breed had the Turkish name “Kawasz”, which translated means “armed guard of the nobles”. This new name only came about because of a spelling mistake in the writing at the time.

#6 Caucasian Ovcharka: 67 – 70 cm

The Caucasian Ovcharka is one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world and is said to be able to take on bears and wolves. [6]

The strong and alert dog was used in a variety of ways. Among other things, to protect the herd and to guard borders and prisoners.

The large German Shepherds tend to be very dominant and therefore do not get along well with strangers and other animals.

Fun fact: Representatives of this dog breed are considered very stubborn. Even professional dog trainers sometimes despair of them.

#7 Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin: 59 – 67 cm

The Ciobănesc Românesc Carpatin comes from Romania and is primarily kept as a shepherd, guard and protection dog. [7]

The dogs are among the largest German Shepherd dogs, reaching a shoulder height of up to 67 cm and weighing up to 50 kg.

These courageous dogs require early socialization and are neither suitable as first dogs nor as apartment dogs.

Fun fact: The namesakes of these gray German Shepherds apparently couldn't agree. In total, this dog breed has nine official names.

#8 Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog: 60 – 68 cm

The Maremma-Abruzzo Shepherd Dog is a large Italian Shepherd breed. [8]

The white dogs are brave, strong and also very scary. In a pack they can even take on wolves.

Unlike other German Shepherds, these dogs are better as family dogs and get along well with other pets.

Fun fact: The Maremma-Abruzzo sheepdog has two faces. At home he is quiet and sleepy, but when working as a livestock guard dog he is considered a “wild wolf killer”.

#9 Eastern European Shepherd Dog: 62 – 68 cm

The Eastern European Shepherd Dog is descended from the German Shepherd Dog and comes from the former Soviet Union. [9]

The aim of the breeding was to create a cold-resistant, large German Shepherd that would be suitable as a military and guard dog. No sooner said than done.

Because of their strong protective instinct and strong hunting instinct, these four-legged friends are less suitable as family dogs.

Fun fact: This breed of dog is often referred to as “BEO” and “VEO”. These are officially recognized acronyms.

#10 Beauceron: 64 – 66 cm

The French Beauceron is one of the largest and heaviest dog breeds in the world. The dogs are well suited to families and have a great “will to please”. [10]

In addition to working as shepherd and guard dogs, they are also used as tracking, rescue, police and house dogs. So they are very adaptable.

These large German Shepherds also get along well with other pets and are considered loyal and gentle.

Fun fact: In contrast to other short-haired German Shepherds, which take approximately 15 months to mature, representatives of this breed require around 3 years to fully mature.

#11 Bouvier des Flandres: 59 – 65 cm

The Bouvier des Flandres is a large German Shepherd breed from France and Belgium. However, he is not suitable as a beginner dog. [11]

The dogs were originally bred for a variety of work. However, without proper socialization, they can react aggressively.

In addition, the four-legged friends need a lot of physical and mental activity as well as a lot of exercise. On the other hand, they are usually very friendly and loyal to their family.

Fun fact: The wispy beard of these dogs absorbs enough water when they drink to leave a large puddle in the house.

#12 Central Asian Ovcharka: 60 – 69 cm

The Central Asian Owtscharka, as the name suggests, comes from Central Asia and was primarily kept there as a shepherd and guard dog. [12]

These large sheepdogs have been kept by humans for 5,000 years. They are still very popular in some regions, such as Russia.

The dogs can reach an old age, sometimes up to 17 years, and are one of the heaviest dog breeds in the world, weighing up to 79 kg.

Fun fact: As a puppy, the Central Asian Owcharka has extremely soft, woolly fur. A real ball of cotton wool.

#13 Berger Blanc Suisse: 55 – 61 cm

The Berger Blanc Suisse is descended from the German Shepherd and looks like a white wolf. [13]

Although the dogs are suitable as family dogs, they require a large garden and regular and intensive grooming.

These four-legged friends are considered loyal and easy to train, but they are still working animals that need to be supported accordingly.

Fun fact: These large German Shepherds follow their master like a shadow. It will even accompany you at night when you drink water.

#14 Groenendael: 56 – 62 cm

The Groenendael is a Belgian large sheepdog which is used as a sheepdog, domestic dog, tracking dog, guard dog, military dog, police dog and rescue dog. [14]

The black German Shepherds are loyal and trusting, but are not suitable for first-time owners due to their hunting instinct and protective instinct.

In both world wars, this four-legged friend served as a war dog and helped detect mines, transmit messages and rescue injured soldiers.

Fun fact: Often, inexperienced eyewitnesses confuse free-roaming Groenendael with alleged “black wolves”.

#15 Laekenois: 56 – 62 cm

Томасина, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons

These large German Shepherds also come from Belgium and are used in a variety of ways there. [15]

Even first-time owners get along well with the Laekenois. Only the strong hunting and herding instinct carries potential danger. They are therefore less suitable for city life.

The dog breed is extremely rare and limited to around 1000 copies worldwide. The breed was only recognized by the American Dog Association in mid-2020.

Fun fact: The probability of seeing a representative of this breed is lower than winning the lottery. Good luck!

#16 Malinois: 56 – 61 cm

The Malinois is the most widespread of the four large Belgian sheepdogs. He also has…