Top 10 things that turn women and men on

A study has revealed such situations “top ten” that produce desire for a sexual encounter in men and women.

be in the mood Be available. To want. Wanting to put excuses aside. Feel good about yourself and… well, now!

Those could be some of the emotional ingredients of the ideal scenario to have sex and good sex.

However, a survey carried out in the United Kingdom published by the Daily Mail showed that the reasons for having such «desire»are related to very particular situations and somewhat foreign to what one could imagine.

The study carried out by an entertainment company called Mecca determined, for example, that 60% of the women interviewed feel encouraged when “earn a good sum of money”.


It is not so, if you think that having plenty of money generates an illusion that is linked to satisfaction, which generates getting a reward for the work done or a good run of luck in the game.

The strangest thing is that the investigation, which interviewed 2,000 Britons, found that having “Fresh clean sheets” Y “lose or lose weight” They are also on the list of exciters to have a moment of passion.

Meanwhile, for men, the greatest encouragement to awaken desire is to get home after a night out with friends and harbor the hope of seducing their partner.

strange passions

For the transpersonal therapist Silvia Rojas, playing in a casino and winning causes an important adrenaline rush that is very likely that when these people get home they are more excited than when they return after a day at work.

“It is that winning for any man or woman awakens the desire to celebrate, because it is a moment where joy, happiness, love and enthusiasm abound that can perfectly conclude in an intense sexual encounter”Explain.

From a more modern perspective, the English psychologist Tracey Cox quoted by the British newspaper, says that an individual who competes and wins, achieves a higher social status, generally has more money, attracts more partners and enjoys a higher rank. Social.

«Continuously in these situations, neurotransmitters are released that are excitatory in the brain and the person feels satisfied, the heart beats fast, the adrenaline floods them and keeps them excited», it states. Another of the findings of this survey is that driving a sports car or having your favorite team emerge victorious are tremendously exciting to come home and incite a moment of passion.

Now, in the list of the «top ten» is also the «cleaning of the house».

In any case, the «top ten» in the opinion of the transpersonal therapist, realize that sexual motivations will always be related to personal well-being and valuing the love they have in their lives available to enjoy.

Top Ten in women

1. Lose weight.
2. Fresh and clean sheets.
3. Earn an amount of money.
4. Night out with the girls, covens.
5. Hot bath.
6. Work night or Christmas parties.
7. A new hairstyle.
8. Wear perfect makeup.
9. After training in the gym.
10. Closing a deal or completing an important task at work.

Top Ten in Men

1. Night out with the boys.
2. Fresh and clean sheets.
3. Hot bath.
4. Earn an amount of money.
5. When the sports team wins.
6. Lose weight.
7. After training in the gym.
8. Drive a sports car.
9. Closing a deal or completing an important task at work.
10. House cleaning.

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