TOP 10: The best celebrity costumes on Halloween 2021

We set out to collect the 10 best Colombian celebrity costumes on Halloween 2021 so that next year you have something to choose from when it comes to inspiration.

Although 2021 is still a pandemic year, mass vaccination against the coronavirus has managed to ease social distancing restrictions to the point that many children and adults were able to enjoy a Halloween almost as much as in 2019 and other years prior to covid-19.

The celebrities of the national show business were no exception and this year they displayed all their creativity with costumes for all tastes: tender, terrifying, sensual, family and even as a couple. In this note we not only made a selection of them, but also qualified them in the ranking of the 10 best.

Do you agree with this TOP 10 of the best celebrity costumes on Halloween 2021?

10. Maria Cifuentes

She was inspired by the notebooks with models from the late 90s and early 2000s, such as those that featured celebrities such as Claudia Bahamón, Catalina Maya and Ana Sofía Henao, among others.


This comedian involved his family in the best style of Matrix.

8. Shakira and Pique

The couple decided to paraphrase the film I know what they did last summer.

7. The Safe

This influencer decided to imitate Poison Ivy and the truth is that it turned out very well.

6. Valerie Domínguez, Juan David El Pollo Echeverri and their baby

And we leave in 6th place with another family, this time the Echeverri Domínguez, who, following Disney, mixed The Incredibles with toy story.

5. Expensive Cross

Let’s not lie to each other, this Harley Quinn costume was SPECTACULAR for Caro.

4. The Nit

A great choice of The Mask for this influencer, it was perfect!

3. Flavia Dos Santos

The sexologist went for the minimalist and took her out of the stadium. Mustache, tank top, glasses and chest hairs: Ready Freddie Mercury!

2. The Jesus

Dressing up as Mystique is for the brave and this influencer has nothing too big for her. She looked amazing.

1. Kimberly Reyes and her husband Federico Severini

But there had to be a winner and this time the first place goes to this celebrity couple who left us speechless by becoming Ken and Barbie, but inside their boxes!

What do you think about this list of the 10 best celebrity costumes on Halloween 2021? Do you agree with our top or do you think we missed (or left over) some famous or famous? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!