Tips to take care of your long distance relationship – Online Psychologists

Love can do everything. That's what they teach us in movies and TV shows, that there is no no obstacle that makes us be with the person we wantNeither family quarrels, nor third parties, nor long-distance relationships can affect two people who love each other. Or maybe distance is an obstacle when it comes to having a stable romantic relationship?

The concept that people have of this feeling is quite similar in all societies. Love is the sum of wanting to be with a person, feelings of solidarity and helping the other person, plus the component of intimate and sexual relationships. Psychology experts describe love as the combination of three ingredients: passion, intimacy and commitment.

What are long distance relationships like?

Long distance relationships involve a physical separation of the couple. Por so much, Direct contact is less frequent that in a relationship that two people who live in the same town or who have an easier time meeting up may have.

Social networks and new technologies have helped to shorten the distance a little more. However, this distance is increased by the continuous generation of doubts and uncertainties about alleged infidelities.

Tips for maintaining long distance relationships

In reality, the steps we are going to show below are important for any couple. However, the fact that there is no direct contact implies that the people who form the couple must show special care and attention to these guidelines.

  • Communication: the couple must be involved in the day-to-day. Video calls, apart from helping with this issue, reinforce direct contact thanks to the fact that they can see each other.
  • Physical encounters every so often: There should be a plan for a meeting every short period of time, such as every two weeks or a month.
  • Trust: The absence of trust can be an insurmountable obstacle in the relationship, because doubts will appear.
  • Affective responsibility: It consists of openly showing your feelings with the other person.
  • Review the agreements: The foundations of a couple must be solid and both parties must be clear about the different commitments that you have acquired, before the physical separation occurred.
  • Learning to be independent with our problems: We should not burden our partner with problems that we can solve ourselves. Distance is already complicated enough without putting more weight on our partner's shoulders.
  • Reinventing affection and love that you can have: since physical contact is impossible, look for other ways to keep the passion intact as the first day.
  • Offer individual spaces: In this section, it is the only thing where distance serves to strengthen the couple. Spending time with other people and having your own space will help you not to become dependent on that partner who is not by your side.

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How to solve problems if there is distance?

Problems in long distance relationships have to be solved by communication. There is no choice but to expose, in a transparent manner, all our thoughts and beliefs about how this period of distancing is going. Moving away from your partner has two effects, one for good and one for bad:

  • Advantage: he margin of reaction we have is greater. We can use this time to clarify our ideas and thoughts, it will help us make decisions more calmly.
  • Disadvantage: he physical affection It is an accelerator that the problem is solved. From a distance, you have to find another way to reduce the tension that a conflict in a couple can cause.

How to know if communication is effective?

The series of instructions, which we will detail below, is not an exact science but it is a excellent thermometer to gauge whether we are on the right track:

  • Conciseness: Don't confuse communication with messages that are not important. Get straight to the point, because the inaccuracy and opacity of your messages will only generate doubts in the other person.
  • Don't make interpretations: Searching for double meanings in everything someone says is an exhausting exercise. It is a common practice when jealousy and insecurity exist.
  • Choose the right time and place to communicate: You always have to keep in mind the context and the feelings of both you and the other party.
  • Start on a positive note and don't attack the other person.: show understanding and support, and share your point of view but always with respect and education.

What should I consider when it comes to a long-distance relationship?

  • Is it sustainable over a long period of time?

It is not viablePhysical contact is one of the pillars of every relationship, because they are moments of intimacy and prevent the relationship from evolving.

  • Should I clarify that I do not want a relationship of this kind?

You have to put your cards on the table and make our intentions clear from the startboth in the present and in the future. The other person must be aware of our desires and aspirations.

  • How to maintain a conventional relationship after overcoming distance?

This new situation will involve a adaptation process. All beginnings are complicated and be clear that this new perspective on your partner will show you aspects that will make you fall in love with them more or vice versa.

  • What is it like to grieve after leaving him at a distance?

Distancing yourself from the person you've broken up with is positive for you. clarify all your ideas and guide your love life by other paths. But that distance deepens the pain of the breakup, because it is It is important to leave a relationship in personIn this way, you give value to a relationship that has given you a lot for a while.

Long-distance relationships are a complex topic, but one that more and more people are choosing. Technologies help us connect with people who have the same tastes and interests as us.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an affordable alternative, but just as effective, as traditional therapies.

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