Tips to stop suffering for love

Are you sorry for a love that left? No more. You cannot allow time to pass you locked in your room crying. Read these tips and stop suffering.

1. Try to put thoughts aside that make you believe that you are unlucky and that you do not have the skills to face love relationships successfully.

2. Put aside the beliefs of what belongs to the man and what to the woman. Active and passive roles are cultural constructions that limit action and reduce enjoyment.

3. Do not underestimate your innate abilities. You will have to accept that you are a good voter.

4. Do not add to the current disappointment the bad experiences of the past. I lived the “here and now”.

5. Do not let others influence the choice. Trust your appraisals.

6. Stop thinking about unrequited love. There are many factors that intervene in the formation of a couple.

7. Do not let anything or anyone minimize you, humiliate you, hit you, insult your body, or your dignity, honesty and nobility. Less than less freedom. There are relationships based on cruelty. If you need it, ask for help. Many social networks and organizations can protect you and come to your defense.

8. “Work” so that the mystery of the encounter is not lost, it must be a task for both of us.

9. Learn to ask and receive. You enjoy providing love and pleasure, but also the other waits his turn. Let your partner work freely.

10. Your intuition is a gift to recognize what the other needs. Don’t expect others to have the same ability. There are people who are born knowing and others who are always learners. Both cases can be just as exciting.

Related note: Tips for those of us who love too much, here.

Font: RFRD

What was the worst thing you’ve done out of spite?