Tillandsia, how to take care of an air plant

The Tillandsia It is a very peculiar plant that yes or yes you will love at home for its unique beauty; It has become a fundamental piece in interior decoration, especially on terraces since it is a hanging species that looks very beautiful for its appearance of Medusa.

Tillandsia It is very friendly, ideal for all plant lovers, even those who start in this great passion, since, despite being an air plant, their care is extremely simple.

The Tillandsia It is a very beautiful plant and you will not regret taking one (or more) home, they will look fantastic.

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Tillandsia and its characteristics

The Tillandsia Or air carnation is an epiphytic plant, that is, that lives embraced to another species, usually to a tree. This species can be found in deserts, forests and mountains, it is originally from America, although its crop has gradually increased since it is considered one of the most attractive interior plants. Also, when Tillandsia Receive the care you need, some of its species flourish with a pale pink flower.

Tillandsia is a very friendly plant and having it at home is simpler than you think.Feey / Unspash

Tillandsia and its care

The Tillandsia It is a very friendly plant and it adapts easily, best of all, literally lives from the air, so caring it is very easy.