Cats are known to love breaking a world record.
For example, the oldest cat in the world became whole 38 years old!
Main Coon tomcat Kefir is now also one of the record breakers – because he is the one by far biggest cat on this earth!
The cat becomes an internet star
© yuliyamnn / Instagram
In total 12.2 kilograms brings the hangover kefir on the scales!
Its owner Yuliya is very proud to have such a big and strong cat to have by her side.
The cat was named after well-known fermented milk drink kefir – the name suggestion came from Yuliya’s daughters who thought the name perfect for the white house cat found.
With its huge size, you might think Kefir is a dog – but he’s still in it Kitten age and therefore in the growth phase!
Normally, most domestic cats are fully grown by the age of one to two years – however, Maine Coons only reach their final size at that age about three to four years!
When the owner Yuliya uploads photos of her giant animal friend to the internet, people can hardly believe their eyes at first – you’ve never seen a cat that big!
You never thought she would grow so big
© yuliyamnn / Instagram
Yuliya has never had a cat before – Kefir is the first furry friend she has taken in. She was all the more surprised about the enormous increase in size of the cat.
Kefir is a very smart and intelligent cat, which is why he perfectly integrated into the family. Its behavior is almost identical to that of its human family members.
As soon as it’s time to eat, Kefir joins the table – on his own chair!
Opening doors is also absolutely no problem for the strong tomcat, so that he can also gain access to rooms which he is not supposed to enter.
But kefir has another special property that sets it apart from its peers: He loves water and enjoys swimming in it!
The disadvantage: its long fur takes what feels like an eternity to dry again – but that doesn’t stop him from doing his laps in the water.
All friends marvel at the hangover
© yuliyamnn / Instagram
Every time friends or acquaintances visit Yuliya and her family, marvel at the huge tomcat.
Because despite his mighty size, he loves to cuddle and be petted by everyone. He is an extremely affectionate animal, who prefers to spend all his time with his family.
It looks particularly funny when the heavy hangover is lying on the kitchen table and it’s really spreading.
© yuliyamnn / Instagram
But Kefir loves one activity in particular: sleeping on his mistress Yuliya at night – although Yuliya is struggling quite a bit with his weight.
But who can deny such a loving tomcat as Kefir his dearest wish, to spend the night together?
Would you like to learn more about Kefir’s exciting everyday life? Then click here or here and take part in the life of Kefir and his family.