This is what egomaniacs are like, those people who look down on you – Online Psychologists

At some point in our lives we have all met someone who feels that they are the navel of the world. A person who lives for and by himself and who believes he is in a higher position than you. One of those who look down on you. Well, this is what we define as egomaniacs.

The concept egotism comes from the Greek “ego”, which means “I” and “latria” which translated into Spanish means worship or admiration. It can also be related to the adjective “narcissistic” or with other similar terms such as “selfish” or “egocentric”. However, we must be clear that they are not synonyms.

In the field of psychology Egomaniacs are studied because they are closely related to a specific type of personality. These individuals are characterized by presenting socialization problems. This is because they are not able to respect and value the people around them. They need to be praised and flattered constantly.

Various studies establish that people with an egocentric character have certain emotional deficiencies. Even a certain mental imbalance. This is why they need to see themselves as an individual they are not really. It is a kind of acting with which they hide who they really are and, in this way, improve their self-esteem.

Characteristics of egotistical people

  • Image of superiorityEgomaniacs tend to have an image of superiority of themselves as well as their reputation. They firmly believe in their superiority over other people. In addition to recognizing their skills and strengthsthey deify them believing themselves unique and unmatchedThese people are unable to recognize their mistakes or weaknesses.

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  • Distorted perception of reality. Living in their own world where they are the most and the best, they have a mistaken view of the true reality. They do not have the emotional capacity to understand the complexity of things and the different events that occur in reality. This also happens to them with the personal relationshipsthey don't feel empathy or other types of emotions other than superiority towards other people.
  • Irresponsibility. They are incapable of assuming responsibility for their actions or the state of things. For an egomaniac Problems will never be your faultwill always be the responsibility of others. They only see themselves as those in charge of solving problems due to their great capabilities. That is, they see themselves as superheroes or like the victims of the event. Never as the culprit.
  • They are the center of attention. They feel the need to be the center of attention in each and every situation. In their encounters they will seek to be the king of conversation and that everyone surrenders to his speech. In the event that someone takes away his speech, leadership He will not stop until he gets your attention again or he will withdraw from the conversation.
  • It is comparative and needs constant recognition. The tendency to compare oneself with others is something typical of egomaniacs. In this way they measure their strength or their power. Likewise, it constantly requires the approval and the recognition public.
  • Extreme importance to money and power. We usually associate the amount of money a person has with their power, that is, they are symbols of social influence. The egomaniacs overvalue these elementsThey talk about their purchasing power, whether it is true or not, to show the people around them their power.
  • Inability to self-criticizeThe egomaniac's psychoaffective system is based on your own image. That is why he is not able to face himself, much less the criticism of others.
  • Envy as a quality. Egomaniacs love to be the object of envy. When they have a problem and someone reproaches them, they resort to envy. They make it seem like everyone is jealous of them. For them, this is a trophy.
  • Insubstantial relationships. The difficulty of egomaniacs to relate to others makes their relationships superficial or empty. They fail to have full or quality relationships because their attitude causes rejection in the other person. Also, for them there is no one who is at their level so no one is good enough.

It should be noted that it is important and almost essential for egotistical people to receive professional helpIt will be difficult because there is no one more intelligent than them, not even a mental health professional. But this way they will be able to restructure their perception of themselves and, therefore, of reality.

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