This is the most dangerous tree in the world: the tree of death

There are many dangerous plants, but none compares to the powerful toxins of the tree of death, the most dangerous tree in the world. It is even said that when the conquerors arrived in America, many became intoxicated by eating its fruits.

The story also says that the natives used the sap of the tree of death to poison their arrows. It is believed, although not proven, that it was the reason why Juan Ponce de León, the first governor of Puerto Rico, died. After being struck by a crush in a battle when he planned to conquer the Florida coast in 1521.

Hippomane mancinella is the scientific name of the tree colloquially known as the chamomile of death. It is the most dangerous tree in the world, since its sap contains highly harmful toxins for the human body.

It is native to the tropical regions of the American continent. It extends along the coasts from Florida in the United States to Colombia, passing through the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Why is it so deadly?

Also known in some regions as sand chamomile, beach chamomile or just the tree of death, contains a very toxic sap. Contains a component called phorbol in its milky sap. Just by touching the tree, the skin suffers a horrible irritation.

Taking refuge from the rain under the tree of death is extremely dangerous. Sage is so powerful that even diluted in water it causes highly severe skin rashes. Despite this, none of this damage is compared to that caused by eating its fruits. Eating its round fruit similar to a small apple, causes vomiting and diarrhea so severe that lead the body to maximum dehydration that only ends with death.

Burning it is also highly dangerous, the smoke it gives off can be a factor in temporarily going blind. That’s not counting the serious respiratory problems caused by inhaling smoke.

The most dangerous tree in the world


The hippomane mancinella It holds the Guinness Record as the most dangerous tree in the world. The company portal describes it as:

“The sap is so poisonous and acidic that simple contact with human skin causes blisters to break out, and can cause blindness if it comes into contact with a person’s eyes. Even raindrops, which come into contact with the tree, can harm someone. Furthermore, a single bite of its small apple-like fruit also causes blisters, severe pain and can be fatal. Also, if one of these deadly trees is burned, the resulting smoke can cause blindness if it reaches a person’s eyes.»

In some regions, these trees they are marked with a red line or an X on the trunk. So if you ever come face to face with such a sign, you’d better stay away.

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