They say that Bruno Mars from Yo Me Lamo was the same as the original

After the presentation of the participant who plays Bruno Mars in the program «My name is»some changed their opinion about its appearance, but we are left with doubts.

In previous programs the participant has been made aware that although his voice is almost identical, his appearance is a little different from the original, so he has undergone some changes to resemble him more. Bruno Mars.

His appearance has been criticized even on social networks for what he was measured to make changes to his face

At the end of your presentation pipe goodor one of the jurors praised the evident change in his face, but refuted the physical shape of his body.

Amparo defended him by showing real images of the singer on a tablet to silence Pipe Bueno’s observations, in the end the participant thanked for the criticism.

We are not so sure of their resemblance, but we also know that the production that an artist has to improve their physical appearance is enormous, we found someone who looks like Bruno Mars, but from «My Name Is».

The original

The one with my name

What do we think it looks like?