Striking and exotic, Carnivorous plants They have become popular in the decoration, however, few know the care that must be taken with these plants to survive at home.
This peculiar plant family not only attracts attention by incredible power of control over insects, but for his aesthetics, forms and tones, which require certain measures to stay.
Therefore, we share The care you must have with your carnivorous plants.
Carnivorous plants need a period of acclimatization when grown at home, so it is important to place them in a spectum with moisture and take them out of time to time to receive air and light.
Carnivorous plants require sunlight to stay, so they must receive the rays of the sun direct at least 5 hours per day. In addition, it is important to know that these plants prefer natural to artificial light.
The location is important for carnivorous plants, since these must be placed in a corner with a lot of light, so that it receives direct and indirect light. In addition, it is important to take into account that, being carnivorous, it is preferable that they are not outdoors, since they can eat species that are in danger of extinction, such as bees.
The temperature varies depending on the species that is, that is, species such as the dionea and the Saracenia need to spend a few months of hibernation and cold temperatures, however, the drdera, is a tropical plant requires heat.