These Are the 5 «Stupidest» Dog Breeds (With Pictures)

Before we make a list here, which dog breeds are considered rather stupidwe have to look at how the intelligence of a dog can be determined at all.

The measurement method

The research speaks of the so-called working intelligence. It is examined how quickly a dog can learn and follow commands. This basically means obedience is measured!

If we now consider that there are dog breeds that are considered to be rather headstrong, stubborn or independent, we can actually not draw any real conclusions about the IQ.

In addition success in learning always depends on the teacher, So here’s to you as the holder at!

Supposedly some of the more «dumb» breeds include:

1. Beagles

The english hound applies to both stubbornas well as stubborn. Both Qualities that he needs as a hunter and are important to its holder. After all, he shouldn’t let himself be distracted in pursuit!

The cheeky beagles of course also uses his happy beingto sign up as clown to present and yours Rather ignore orders!

2. Bloodhound

you occupy top rankingswhen it comes to the intuition goes. Your extraordinary sense of smell is wanted, because he used as a bloodhound when hunting.

Tirelessly sniffs he himself through life and if he finds an interesting scent, he follows it to the bitter end! commands can easily in Fall into oblivion.

Today, the police like to take advantage of this property!

3. Borzoi

The russian greyhound heard among the fastest races in the world. As agitator in the hunt this is of course a big help. Be self-consciousness is correspondingly large and one could well assume that he simply runs so fast that he simply does not hear commands if necessary!

His low thresholdif its long nose catches exciting smells, lets him extremely fast to top speeds come.

4. Chow Chow

The ancient, industrious workers from China became pulling heavy loads as well as to tending flocks deployed. His independence and be independent being are among the outstanding features.

He prefers to take on tasks that are in line with his nature and ignore commands that are less suited to him. Does that really make him stupid?

5. Afghan Hound

You can often find them beauty contests for dogs. Her long fur and the possibility of various dog hairstyles brought him there.

Despite her gentle and lovable manner like the borzoi, they need their own generous spout in the great outdoors. When running fast and far, it can happen that people forget that their master or mistress cannot keep up!