These are the 36 spiritual laws of the Universe to live fully

Success comes in many ways. The human being tends to associate it with material wealth, but it is only one of them. In factspiritual laws (also known as universal laws or laws of the universe) tell us that success is only one direction.

Material abundance, in all its expressions, makes the journey more pleasant, although true success also includes health, energy, love of life, harmony of relationships, freedom to create, emotional and psychological stability, well-being, and peace of mind.

In the following report we will analyze what are the 36 spiritual laws of the Universe, and how can we make use of them to have a fuller evolutionhow to apply them and thus find our own balance.

The 36 Laws of the Universe

The 36 Spiritual Laws can be divided into three large groups: Laws of life (from the first to the number 16), the laws of the Higher Consciousness (from the 17th to the 25th) and the Laws of Higher Frequency (from the 26th to the 36th). Nevertheless, They are all closely linked to each other.

Universal law number 1: As above, so below

In the spiritual laws, it tells us that we live in a world where everything is connected and everything is repeated: we are a small universe, which is a replica of another on a larger scale, a microcosm within a macrocosm. We are extensions of the same source.

Universal law number 2: As it is inside, so it is outside

Reality replicates itself, and our inner world will replicate itself in our lives. What happens inside us will have an effect on our environment, in what surrounds us. What happens on the outside first existed on the inside. The physical world and its laws are manifestations of the spiritual world.

Universal law number 3: Law of petition

This law must be applied to manifest everything we want on earth. We must move and participate in activities that align with our goals and dreams. Otherwise they will remain what they are: dreams, pure fantasies. We ask, and the universe listens to us, but we must ask for that help.

Universal Law Number 4: Law of Attraction

Without a doubt, the best known law of all universal laws. It says that we attract things, people, and circumstances into our lives by the force of our thoughts and we will call that which is equal to us. Negative energies attract negative experiences and positive energies attract positive experiences.

Universal law number 5: Law of resistance

This law teaches us that each individual will go through a series of challenges during his life, and that he himself will be his worst obstacle. Tests that will strengthen the inner light of him, since we must not be stubborn, but accept ourselves, avoiding resistance.

Universal law number 6: Law of reflection

What happens to you, what is around you, is simply a reflection of yourself. If you change, what surrounds you will also be transformed. Before changing what is outside, we must take some time and change what we have inside..

Universal law number 7: Law of projection

Even if we don’t want to, we always project around us the best and the worst of ourselves. So that, we have to assume that we are also part of the problems we haveand which is generally the easiest to project.

Universal law number 8: Law of attachment

There are elements in our lives that prevent us from growing and we must say goodbye to them, whether they are people, objects… even feelings. If we say goodbye to dependency we can find happiness, because it is not linked to situations, or people, or matters.

Universal law number 9: Law of attention

We must focus our attention, according to the ninth of the universal laws, on what we really want: the universe will be on your side so that you can achieve itso work your attention in the right direction.

Universal law number 10: Law of flow

In this life everything flows, nothing is static. If you allow yourself to flow with life you will get where you want. Similarly, your desires, feelings and emotions also have to flow, otherwise they will stagnate and rot.


Universal law number 11: Law of abundance

The effects of our actions are often gifts, money, friends, inheritances, and blessings. The good we do eventually comes back to us in different forms with the same energy that we have been given. Allow abundance to come to you, without guilt.

Universal Law Number 12: Law of Clarity

Universal laws invite you to be clear, since if there is opacity in your desires, the universe will put obstacles in your way to achieve it. You have to be concise, since in this way the goals are obtained more quickly and easily.

Universal Law Number 13: Law of Intention

Beyond the desires and desires, the intention is what counts in the universal laws. If your intention is clear and concrete, the universe will examine it and it will take over faster.

Universal law number 14: Law of prosperity

Be clear about one thing: you are a prosperous being, but if you feel more barren than productive it will be because of the mental focus you are projecting. Act in your daily life as a prosperous individual and you will defeat fear, apathy and passivity.

Universal Law Number 15: Law of Manifestation

How to be spiritual we must manifest to the universe our thoughts and desires, since with them we create our reality. By expressing your will you can consciously influence your life.

Universal law number 16: Law of success

Success is usually related to material goods, but this is not success. Success is the total and sincere belief in yourself, the trust placed in your own actions will determine the success in achieving them. Success in your life is proportional to the trust you place in yourself to achieve it. Living successfully will depend solely on blind faith in you.

Universal law number 17: Law of balance and polarity

This universal law states that everything has a beginning and its opposite, (masculine and feminine, logic and intuition, toughness and sensitivity). These principles must be balanced so as not to move away from the center, because then life will not be compensated.

Universal Law Number 18: Law of Karma

This universal law specifies that nothing happens by chance or outside the universal laws. Every action is accompanied by a reaction or a consequence. In other words, we reap what we sow.

Universal law number 19: Law of Reincarnation

They taught us in school that energy is neither created nor destroyed, it is only transformed, and this same principle can be extrapolated to universal laws and spiritual laws. And it is that we will incarnate again until we become our own teachers. Reincarnation is subject to experimentation and spiritual growth.

Universal law number 20: Law of responsibility

We have to be responsible for ourselves, as well as assume what we are masters at. The universe gives us responsibilities that we should not avoid, because in addition, in them we will find knowledge and authentic growth.

Universal Law Number 21: Law of Discernment

Make your own decisions in life and apply your intuition to them. This is what the universal laws say, because your intuition never deceives you. For the law of discernment to be effective, you must stay away from groups that castrate it with fanatical, sexist, racist or homophobic messages, among others.


Universal law number 22: Law of affirmation

Do you know what you want to become, what your goals are? Well affirms the same incessantlywithout room for error, and only then will you be able to become what you want.

Universal law number 23: Law of prayer

It is said that faith moves mountains, and if you ask the universe in faith in the right way, you will be granted what you want. In a way, each thought does not cease to be a form of prayer. According to universal laws, the universe will always listen to your prayers.

Universal law number 24: Law of meditation

While in prayer we speak unidirectionally to God, in meditation you will listen to yourself. Meditate and reflect on your decisions and actions and thus you will achieve the necessary wisdom to evolve and grow.

Universal law number 25: Law of defiance

Although we encounter challenges, we are decision makers at all times and creators of our reality. Free will will always be among the options of our thoughts, actions and words.

Universal law number 26: Law of frequency and vibration

According to universal laws, everything in the universe moves, vibrates, and travels in path or circular patterns. From these patterns you can measure the frequency of your energy. Every sound, every thought, every image has its own frequency. Just as we can calculate and measure the waves emitted by the sun, we can measure the frequency of thoughts, desires and emotions.

Universal law number 27: Law of miracles

Who has not said that a miracle has occurred, a fact that cannot be explained through science and reasoning? Miracles are nothing more than a sign that we are doing things right, that our personal growth is correct. It is, after all, a way in which the laws of the universe and spiritual laws urge us to move forward, with faith, with love, and knowing how to forgive from the heart.

Universal Law Number 28: Law of Healing

We can heal our body and our soul. Many negative thoughts, or feelings, cause us discomfort in the bodydiseases even, and if we know how to channel that energy we will be able to heal ourselves.

Universal law number 29: Law of purification

Linked to the above, the essence of the human being is pure (according to spiritual laws) and bad feelings overshadow that purification. We must be active to purify our mind, our body, our environment, everything! In addition, we must avoid the negative currents and remove the anger from around us.

Universal Law Number 30: Law of Perspective

Our point of view, according to universal laws, will be according to our environment. Thus, we must learn that nothing is really good or bad, neither beautiful nor horrible, since everything depends on the perspective. Depending on this, we will catalog reality.

Universal Law Number 31: Law of Gratitude

Spiritual laws urge us to be thankful. In this way we will ensure that the energy we receive remains, attracting success and abundance.

Universal law number 32: Law of blessings

Since time immemorial, human beings have given their blessing to others, especially when they needed to assert themselves in some circumstance. Give your blessing in this way to those who need positive energy, offer your hand as a symbol of support, show that person that you have him in your most positive thoughts.

Universal Law Number 33: Decree Law

We are masters of our silences and slaves of our words. The word, the verb, has great powerY we must be careful what we wish for because the universe will do everything…