These 9 islands are the best alternative for your vacation in Italy | Digest Architectural

Let's disassemble the topic: to find Secret and paradisiacal islandsit is not necessary to fly to the other side of the planet or take refuge in the usual Greece. To discover beauty without being besieged by crowds, you don't even have to choose a country too remote or exotic. Therefore, some Holidays in Italy They can be a good idea.

Even Italy is full of splendid shelters about water (Yes, not necessarily on the sea), where mass tourism has not yet arrived. For several reasons: because they do not know them, because many have limited possibilities of reception or simply it is not possible to stay there, just enjoy the wonder for a limited time.

In any case, these Tricolores Paradisiac islands They are a pleasure for sight and a balm for the mind. An experience to live and share, but not too much, to preserve the charm of its magnificent exclusivity.