These 6 Dog Breeds Are Especially Cold in Winter (With Pictures)

From around 7 degrees it gets uncomfortable for some dogs in late autumn while walking in the fresh air. At even lower temperatures should anyway winter clothes be considered for the dog.

We’ve put together a list for you here Dog breeds that freeze in our latitudes in winter. Especially if you like to be outside and do your jogging laps even when the temperature is below zero, you have to think about your companion.

Whether it’s sport or a walk, smaller dogs with thin fur and a maximum weight of 10 kg freeze faster than larger dogsnot to mention double-coated four-legged friends.

Pay special attention to the following breeds:

1. Dachshund

He’s one of them small dog breeds and not only needs protection from the cold in winter, but also from the wet. Staying in cold, wet weather also contributes possible worsening of genetic diseases at!

The fur of the dachshund is too thinto effectively protect it from wintry weather conditions.

2. Chihuahua

If it A season there, in which the purse actually one authorization for these midgets, then it is the winter. Even then, you should give him a warming towel.

The cute creatures have a very thin coat of hair and can suffer from the weather in winter and summer.

3. Beagles

He comes with 7 degrees still rightly sobut only when the sun is shining. Be thin and short fur permit no long stays at this and lower temperatures outdoors.

You can tell that your darling is cold not only by the possible tremors, but above all by the fact that the actually lively guy just nestles around your legs!

4. French Bulldog

This lovable companions are not only with short fur beaten, which makes a winter coat or raincoat essential, but have due to their short noses, there is also no way of slightly warming up the cold air while breathing until it hits the lungs.

Bulldogs are with it too prone to colds and should only for walks go out in winter.

5. Saluki

The elegant Persian greyhound owns hardly any undercoatsince he did not need them in his original homeland. Its slender body paired with the thin fur ensures that it can cool down quickly.

Fast runs are also at minus degrees not conducive. Let it be in the winter rather calmer approach.

6. Pomeranian

Although she a seemingly fluffy fur own, freeze these cuddly dogs in temperatures below 7 degrees. Her small body size and little undercoat are responsible for it.

You’ll know by his reluctance that he’s cold. The otherwise lively four-legged friends then like to refuse every step beyond the walk.